Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 80 - The Tables Are Turned! Perfect Cell Springs Into Action

Episode sources


We join Son Goku and Gohan training in the Room of Spirit and Time. Goku is an understanding training partner, always helping Gohan back up with an encouraging smile. And Son Gohan, who was trained by the strict Piccolo Daimao, is sick of it.

"A long time ago, Piccolo-san said you weren't cut out to be a teacher, Father. That you were too nice! That you were completely lacking in severity toward others! That it was evident with how spoiled I was! I've been spoiled by your kindness all this time... Father, please, come at me like you're trying to kill me! Then, if I really do get killed, it will prove that's all the strength I had."

"That's my boy."

Rather than arguing, Goku respects Gohan's decision...
... showing him the kind of power he asked for!
"I've been such a baby..."
"It was my fault, for being so weak. Everyone was counting on me!"
"So, you've finally turned Super Saiyan."
With that, Goku decides it's time to get Gohan a haircut.

Meanwhile, at length, Cell has achieved his so-called Perfect form. (I liked the look of the first one better, but I guess it's an improvement on Frog Face.) Power, speed, stamina, this Cell was said by Dr. Gero's computer to be perfect in every way. Something Cell has traveled through time and space to complete. And now he only needs a proper fight to truly feel the extent of his abilities.

And his first challenger to his Perfect form, Kuririn, steps forward!

(I wish)

Predictably, it doesn't work out.
(RIP Kienzan.)

Trunks has to force-feed Kuririn a Senzu, lest he die. When Kuririn gets back up, he's utterly shaken. Even though it was just an instant, Kuririn felt the true terrible depths of Cell's power. And he knows that Vegeta doesn't stand a chance.

Vegeta, however, isn't impressed with Cell's new form.
But he will be.

"What's the matter, Vegeta? Where did all your enthusiasm go?"
"I... I put everything I had into that kick..."
"What the matter?"
"Smile, Vegeta."

What's cut?
In DBZ 160, Trunks helps Kuririn fruitlessly punch Cell.
Then in DBZ 161, Vegeta's fight with Cell is longer (and tbh way more boring).
But we get to see Gohan's initial SSJ training with Goku, also in 161.

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