Monday, June 25, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 119 - I Will Defeat Freeza... The Mysterious Youth Awaiting Goku

Dragon Ball Z ep 118 - That There is Earth, Papa... The Counterattack of Freeza, Father and Son

We're here at last, gents and gentettes. The beginning of the end. It has been a fun ride, but all things must come to an end. Unless you're Dragon Ball, in which case you'll keep going well past the point where you should have stopped. But hey, I made you, the reader, a promise that I'd watch every single episode/movie/special/whatever ... and damn it, I'm too stupid to break my promise now. So without further ado, the Artificial Humans Saga...

This episode makes Gyumao laugh so as to stop from crying.

Friday, June 22, 2012

BONUS CONTENT: Garlic Jr Saga edition

Another batch of episodes finished, another round of extra screencaps that didn't make it into other posts. ROLL 'EM.

Say goodnight crazy lady, your baby's dead.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Review: Garlic Jr. Saga (DBZ episodes 108 - 117)

Arguably the most loathed section of the Dragon Ball Z anime, the Garlic Jr. Saga has come to a close here on Dragon Blog. In only ten short episodes, it has managed to make fanboy and fangirl teeth gnash alike in how reportedly awful it is; But is it deserving of all the flack it gets, or is the Garlic Jr. Saga a misunderstood gem? Well, before we move onto the Terminator Artificial Humans Saga, let's review and get to the bottom of this!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 117 - You're My Guy... Kuririn -- A 101st Proposal

A vague amount of time has passed since the defeat of Garlic Jr. One fine morning, Kuririn and Maron find themselves out shopping in (what I believe is) Metro West, when Maron begins dropping some hints about the future of their relationship. She tells Kuririn that she wants...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 116 - Gohan's Brief Chance for Victory!! Blast the Makyo World...

Garlic Jr. has unleashed the Dead Zone upon Earth again.

Dragon Ball Z ep 115 - The Ultra Holy Water Worked!! The World Awakens From Its Nightmare

The seven currents of the world lie before Kami-sama and Mr. Popo; but their path is blocked by the immortal spirits of the past Kami, lying dormant in protection of the ancient Shinsenkai. But it is only through the seven currents that the Ultra Holy Water can spread quickly enough to undo the damage caused by Garlic Jr.'s Aquamist, and return the demonic humans back to normal.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 114 - A Battle of Extreme Measures!! Kami-sama Breaks the Covenant

It has been months since we here at Dragon Blog have been treated to an episode of DBZ that is truly metal as balls. As the Makyo World of the Demon Clan floats over the Planet Earth, and Garlic Jr., Guy-Who-Looks-Like-Jheese, and Daisuke Gori are given gigantic demonic power ups. Piccolo, Gohan, and Kuririn steel themselves for the on-coming onslaught of power...

To properly enjoy the following post, you should definitely turn on these tunes.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 111 - Direct Confrontation with Piccolo!! An Angry Masenko in the Heavenly Realm

In order to save the world from the Aquamist (which turns everyone who breathes it into Demon Clansmen), Gohan and Kuririn need to get the Ultra Holy Water (which turns everyone who breathes it into not-Demon Clansmen). But barring their path are Garlic Jr., his generic minions, and a mind-controlled Piccolo. They have less than 24 hours to complete their mission, or everyone on Earth will turn into Demon Clansmen permanently.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Spotlight: "Dragon Ball Z Voces en Japones"

I was fishing around YouTube for Dragon Ball stuff, and I happened upon this neat gem! It appears to be from around August 2008 (because it continually promotes the individual disc releases of Dragon Ball Z movies 1 and 2, originally remastered for Dragon Box: The Movies), and features short interactions with random members of the Dragon Ball cast, a live reading of the scene where Freeza returns to kill Kuririn and shoot Piccolo (featuring the wonderfully talented trio of Toshio Furukawa, Masako Nozawa, and Miyumi Tanaka), Kageyama in France, and a live, a cappella rendition of "Makafushigi Adventure" by Hiroki Takahashi!! Get on it!

If anyone can give any additional information about this video, please do so in the comments!

Kuririn's funny faces from DBZ ep 109


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 109 - Black Mist of Terror...!! Everyone Turns Demonic

Garlic Jr. has taken over the Temple of the Heavenly Realm, proclaiming himself Kami. With Kami-sama and Mr. Popo imprisoned, he did so unopposed. And then, he unleashed his father's deadly Aquamist (Isn't that name redundant?), which will turn all of the people of Earth into Demon Clan mind-slaves.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 108 - Terrible Happenings in Heaven!! Garlic Jr. to Become Kami!

Something sinister is afoot. 10 months after the defeat of Freeza, a dark force has come to Earth. Lurking in the shadows for months, this is a power with which the Dragon Ball gang has not dealt with for a long time. It is without remorse. Men, women, and children, it cares not who you are, or what you are -- only that it will consume you.

A filler arc is upon us, and it is taking no prisoners.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Review: Freeza Saga (DBZ episodes 37 - 107)

The second, epically long story line of Dragon Ball Z has finally come to a close; And before moving onto new ground, our tradition here at DBlog is to have a sweeping review! So let's do it! My previous "Saga" reviews are posted thusly: Dragon Ball, the Goku era (DB episodes 1 - 81)Tenshinhan Saga/22nd Tenka-ichi Budokai (DB episodes 82 - 101)Piccolo Daimao Saga (DB episodes 102 - 123)Piccolo Junior/23rd Tenka-ichi Budokai (DB episodes 124 - 153), and Saiyan Saga (DBZ episodes 1 - 36). If you're curious about how my rating system works, check out the beginning of the Goku era review. Now hitch a ride with me before Namek explodes!

Journey of Light (Hikari no Tabi)

Just a little something I threw together, using the over 8,000 (insert Nappa here) screencaps I've taken here at DBlog. It outlines Son Goku's life from infancy, to his ascending to the Legendary Super Saiyan. The music, and the title of the project, is Hikari no Tabi; the ending theme of the Bardock TV special, which plays as a similar (yet incomplete) montage of Goku's life plays for the audience.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 107 - Son Goku Survived -- The Z Warriors All Resurrected!!

Due to a loophole in Kaio-sama's jurisdiction, it appears as though Kuririn and Goku cannot be returned to life by Porunga. (Which still doesn't make sense to me but whatever Dragon Ball.) That is, until Vegeta reminds everyone that you can simply wish for Kuririn and Goku's spirits to be brought back to Earth, and then wish them back. (Which contradicts the way the check-in station is established in the Saiyan Saga but argh fuck it.) The united Earthlings and Namekians celebrate Vegeta's ingenuity.