Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spotlight: For You by Master Gohan

Back in the early 2000s, there was a Dragon Ball Z fansite by the name of Majin Planet. (Which has, apparently, relaunched itself - take a look here.) Apart from anything else, this was a website with a lot of Dragon Ball Z AMVs. This was at the height of the so-called "Linkin Ball Z" days (coined because of how often people would pair Linkin Park with Dragon Ball Z) when Majin Planet would host a regular event called Fight Club. Different AMVs, picked by Majin Planet's revolving cast of webmasters, would participate in a Tenka-ichi Budokai style tournament; With the visitors of Majin Planet picking the winner of each round. The winners were often quite incredible videos. But I couldn't tell you half of them now. One does, however, remain in my consciousness to the point that I still rewatch every few months. And it always gets an emotional reaction out of me.

I'm speaking about "For You", a video by "Master Gohan". I do not know who Master Gohan is; neither does the person who uploaded this AMV to YouTube. Suffice it to say though, if you're reading this "Master Gohan", yours is possibly my favorite Dragon Ball Z fan creation, bar none.

I hope I'm not overselling this. I really love this video. And now that the Freeza Saga is all-but wrapped up, I can present to you... For You. Music by Skillet, the song "Collide".

BONUS CONTENT: Goku vs Freeza edition

The month of May is at an end. It has been a big month for Dragon Blog, and with that comes even more screencaps I couldn't use in my posts but took anyway. ROLL 'EM.

Goku and Kaio.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lost in translation: The Ginyu "Force"

When fighting against Freeza and his minions on Planet Namek, Gohan, Kuririn, and Vegeta (and eventually, Goku) encounter Freeza's elite soldiers. Thus far, all the villains tied to Freeza - from Raditz to Zarbon - have been played as remarkably straight and serious characters. The silly nature of early Dragon Ball, with its General Blue, Ninja Murasaki, and Rabbit Gang, seem to have fallen into the past; That is, until the Ginyu Tokusentai arrive.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dragon Blog's 1 Year Anniversary!! Biba Sen'nin Arrives Bearing Self-Indulgence

May is a historically big month for the Dragon Blog. We've had Piccolo Day this month. Son Goku has turned SSJ for the first time. We've reached Dragon Ball Z episode 100. The epically long Freeza Saga will close out this month. And of course, 1 year ago, today, I started this blog with a simple dream; Watch Dragon Ball and make you have to read about it.

Well, if you're here now, then it's mission successful.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Son Goku and Lord Raglan's Hero Pattern

There have been many legendary heroes throughout mankind's oral and written histories. From Romulus, to Hercules, to Zeus, to Arthur, Robin Hood, and Harry Potter, there are but three certainties in our life; Death, taxes, and heroes. Such hero-kings are so popular that throughout history they have been worshiped as gods. But are any of these legends based on reality?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 103 - Pathos of Freeza! Once He Starts Shaking, He's Unstoppable!!

There is less than a minute to go before Planet Namek undergoes its final explosion. Son Goku and Freeza continue to duke it out over the volatile surface, pitting the power of the legendary Super Saiyan against the space emperor's full strength. With everyone else safe on Earth, Goku can finally fight Freeza to his heart's content -- and avenge his fallen friend, Kuririn.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 102 - Let's Get It On!! Two Remain on a Vanishing Planet

Across the universe, Son Goku's friends gather as they await the destruction of Planet Namek, fearful for his life. Rather than having himself safely transported to Earth, he chose to remain on Planet Namek and finish his duel with the tyrant Freeza.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 101 - I'm Staying on this Planet!! A Final Wish Toward Victory

Planet Namek nears ever closer to its demise. The land and seas break apart and sunder under the weight of its mighty final breaths, as the two strongest beings in the known universe stare each other down. Freeza didn't expect Son Goku to live. He comments that, were Saiyans not so stubborn, he could have quietly escaped or awaited his fate if he hadn't shown himself again. But now that he has, Freeza isn't going to let him get away again...

50 episodes in 50 pictures! DBZ 51 - 100

Heavenly B-Team.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 100 - I Am Son Goku's Son!! Gohan Returns to the Battlefield

As Planet Namek teeters on destruction, the final chess pieces are put into place. Son Goku risks all by firing his most mighty Kamehameha yet, as 100% powered Freeza clashes against it with his mighty ki. Meanwhile on Earth, Mr. Popo has gathered the seven Dragon Balls and summoned Shen Long, as part of Kaio-sama's plan; Revive everyone on Planet Namek with Shen Long, thus reviving Porunga, then use Porunga's final wish to bring everyone except Freeza to Earth... lest they all die again in Namek's explosion.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Spotlight: Hello! I See You!

Today's spotlight: Me! (Don't roll your eyes at me.)

If you've been on the internet for any amount of time, you've seen Anime Music Videos (AMVs). You've likely made some yourself. Well, sometimes I make them. By sometimes, I mean not since I was 15 or 16. I say "since" because I have made one today. It is an idea I've had stuck in my craw since October, when the new Electric Six album came out. I finally got around to making it.

The video in question features music from Electric Six, the song "Hello! I See You!", the album "Heartbeats And Brainwaves". Get both song and album here. The video is a tribute to the so-called Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly. It features clips from DBZ movies 8, 10, and 11. Yes, 11. I went there.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 99 - Shen Long, Run Yourself Through Space!! The Time of Namek's Destruction Draws Near

The final battle for Planet Namek pauses, as Freeza and Goku size each other up. It is not long now before the planet explodes. Freeza is finally using 100% of his full power, but is it enough to compare to the Legendary Super Saiyan himself, Son Goku? Freeza compliments Goku, saying how the power of a Super Saiyan may indeed be the strongest in the universe, were it not for his own power. Goku stares back at him impassively.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 97 - The Destruction of Planet Namek! A Demonic Flash Pierces the Ground

"I-Indeed... It appears that somehow you really are a Super Saiyan."
"Having a calm, quiet heart, then awakened by intense anger, eh? I see. Which is why no matter how hard Vegeta worked at it, he could not become one."

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 96 - An Explosion of Anger!! Goku, Avenge Everyone's Deaths

Freeza cannot believe what has become of Son Goku. What does this transformation mean? Saiyans turn into the fearsome Oozaru, but surely never... this golden warrior?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Top Five Piccolo Expressions

We all love Piccolo. And we all love his expressions. Let's count down this year's TOP FIVE PICCOLO EXPRESSIONS. Go!

5. Piccolo Daimao storms King Castle.

4. Piccolo Jr. about to swallow Kami.

3. The world's most handsome Piccolo.

2. Piccolo threatens Vegeta.

1. Piccolo Daimao reminds Pilaf of his station.

The 9 Days of Piccolo

On the first day of Piccolo, the Mazoku gave to me...
... death to my family!

Happy Piccolo Day 2012!

"People of the world! Take a good look! I am your new king, Piccolo Daimao-sama! Now that everyone has seen the ruined King Castle, I believe you all know just how strong I am. I suppose I should discuss my plans as the world's new king now. First I'll tell you what words I despise the most. Those words would be "Justice" and "Peace". I'll just mention it now, but I have no intention of governing and controlling the people! On the contrary, you can do whatever you like in my kingdom! I hereby abolish the word "peace". War, violence, robbery, murder! You're free to do anything! No one will stop you! Criminals! Do what you love to do! We Demon Clansmen will eliminate all who cling to the idea of "justice"! Ours will be a spectacular world overflowing with evil and terror!"

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 95 - Transformed At Last!! Son Goku, the Legendary Super Saiyan

The fighting has finally finished. The Super-Huge Genki Dama, forged as the last hope for the universe by Son Goku, struck Freeza down to Planet Namek's ocean floor. Gohan, Kuririn, and Piccolo join our hero, looking out at the horizon as a job well done. Kuririn admits he didn't think he'd ever make it off Planet Namek alive, and he's glad he did... because he really would like to get, well, married. (I think in the dub he wanted a pack of skittles or something. Fuck FUNi. Fuck 'em so hard.) The heroes of the universe share a well-earned laugh.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 93 - Keep The Chance Alive!! Piccolo's Suicide Support Strike

Bulma chews out Commander Ginyu, now that she has the upperhand. She informs him that fighting against Son Goku is a bad idea, no matter who you are. And that if he really is friends with that weird Freeza guy, he should talk him out of fighting with Goku, for his own benefit. After all, Goku always wins when it matters most...!!