Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 81 - Vegeta's Fully-Powered Attack! Cell's Terror Increases Still

Episode sources

Now a Super Saiyan, Son Gohan has taken his training to the next level.
But his dad, Son Goku, is still more concerned about proper nutrition.
"Gohan, cook this up for me!"
"Thank you!"
"Y-your hair..."
"Gohan, you gotta learn some power control quick, huh?"

Oh, Goku, you scamp.

Elsewhere, the fight with Perfect Cell has reached a new low. With Vegeta seemingly outmatched by the Artificial Human, and Trunks refusing to intervene with his own superior strength until his prideful father is too unconscious to witness it. This only leaves #16 left to deal with his fellow Dr. Gero's creation.

But when Cell can even sense him, a being without ki, coming, he thinks better of it.

However!! Vegeta still has one last trump card up his sleeve! His fearsome new attack, The Final Flash!

"Well, Cell..."
 "I've seen bigger."
"W-what?! IMPOSSIBLE!!"
"... Wanna know who?"
"... Eh...?"

Okay, that probably didn't happen, but then this definitely did happen.

"Do you have the guts to take this head on, regardless of how strong your Perfect form might be?! I doubt it, pantywaist!"
"Holy shi--"

(Take a shot.)
"Just playin'."

Vegeta's power was truly Earth-shattering (or Coruscant-shattering, at the very least). Yet it meant nothing when compared to the almighty power that is Perfect Cell. But now that his father is no longer awake to see his son's dark secret -- that he actually gained more power than him in the Room of Spirit and Time -- Trunks powers up well beyond even Super Vegeta's abilities.

If he was Super Vegeta, then Trunks is Super Duper Trunks.

Trunks gives Kuririn the last Senzu bean to take to his father, after he gets him to Kame House.
"You sure about this? Do you have a Senzu for yourself?"
"I won't need a Senzu for myself."
"Because I am going to win."

With that bold proclamation, Trunks steps onto the field of battle to meet head on with Perfect Cell.

And he does pretty dang well.

This gives Kuririn the opening to swoop down and get Vegeta before Cell can kill the knocked out Saiyan Prince.

Kuririn is less than impressed with his charge.
"For your pride's sake, you allowed Cell to reach his Perfect form, and now look at you."
"I may think we're better off without you, but Trunks, he believes differently."
"Good grief. What's so great about a father like this?"


"So, now that your daddy is safe, you wanna fight for real?"
"... you knew?! And you let him escape?!"
"Bitch, does it look like I give a fuck?"

Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan are still training in the RoSaT. This time playing a rather high stakes game of tag, with Gohan as "It".

Gohan wins.
But not without considerably destruction to the one building inside the RoSaT.

What's cut?
Not much. But from DBZ 163, Trunks and Cell's pre-game fight is longer.
And Piccolo poos himself over Trunks' new power.

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