Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 64 - #17 and #18, as Well as...!! The Artificial Humans Awaken

Episode sources

High in the hills south of Metro North...
... Dr. Gero has at long last escaped to his lab, where he plans to grudgingly release #17 and #18.
Perhaps, he wonders, they'll obey him this time if they see he has their controller in his hand.
"Good afternoon, Dr. Gero."
"Eh? A greeting from you two? That's unusually civil!"
"But of course, Dr. Gero. It is you whom we serve."
"Hehehe... yes, that's right! Very good! Now, go, my Artificial Humans and--"
"Gero, look out! It's Son Goku!"
"Made you look."
"For a scientist, he's pretty fucking stupid."

The Z Team (minus Gohan, Goku, and Yamcha) arrive in front of Gero's lab just in time to watch #17 swiftly end the good doctor's life, like Trunks had told them he would. However, Trunks had failed to mention a third Artificial Human, the mysterious #16 whom Dr. Gero was absolutely shitting himself over when #17 and #18 took interest in him, mostly because #16 doesn't appear to exist in Trunks' timeline.


But Trunks plays it cool as a cucumber and takes the opportunity to totally freak out and blow up everything.

Except, y'know... the Artificial Humans.

After avoiding Trunks' freak out, #17 and #18 awaken the massive ginger known as #16. They ask if he's been programmed to kill Son Goku. He says yes -- and that's about the only question he'll answer. So 17 decides, despite the fact he hates to follow Gero's orders, that killing Son Goku is the only entertaining thing they have to do today.

So they fly off toward Mt. Paozu, leaving Vegeta like a pranked girl on prom night.


In a blind and jealous rage that they'd dare overlook THE CHOU EREETOU BEJITAH to go after Kakarotto, Vegeta punches a frantic Trunks out of the way and zooms off to get his gloves dirty.

"I'm going to kill every single one of you."
"Then I'm going to eat you."
"Then I'm going to shit you out"
"and eat you again."

What's cut?
Not a cut, but this famous animation gaff was fixed, from DBZ 134.
Also from DBZ 134, a scene is cut in which Chichi impersonates Goku while making dinner.

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