Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 65 - A Sweet Face and Super Power?! #18 vs Vegeta

Episode sources

A "sweet face", indeed, Toei.
"... why am I so turned on right now?"

After challenging #18 to a fight, it becomes quickly apparent that Vegeta is no match for the Artificial maiden. Shortly, the other Z fighters arrive, with Trunks deeply relieved to see his father hasn't gotten himself killed yet. #17 - who, like 18 and 16, isn't interested in fighting anyone but Goku - tries to cool things down before they escalate.

"Look, Vegeta started it. We don't want to fight you guys. So, as long as y'all don't get involved, I won't get involved. That's fair, right?"
"Uh... yeah. That's actually really fair."
"I'm a fair guy."

Meanwhile, #18 asks Vegeta if Son Goku is even stronger than he is.

"Don't be ridiculous! He may have slipped ahead, but now things are as they should be and I'm the strongest!" 
"Oh. Then I guess neither of you is special."

Furious, Vegeta retaliates at his full power.

It doesn't work out.

"TOOOOUUUSSAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNN" Trunks screams like a jackass, proceeding to fuck up everything.

And in an insant, #17 and #18 put down Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, and Tenshinhan.

"Yeah... fuck that."

The twin cyborgs walk away, 18 bickering at 17 for being a childish show off. Strange still, they tell Kuririn to give everyone senzus, as they aren't dead but might die soon if they aren't revived. It becomes abundantly clearly to Kuririn that the Artificial Humans are nothing like Trunks told them they would be.

"Hey, wait up..."
"... if Dr. Gero is dead, and you guys don't want to kill us, why are you still going after Goku?!"
"Somebody has to string this paper thin plot along."
"But don't worry, we'll fuck after."
"... the fuck."

What's cut?
From DBZ 135, Trunks pees on Yajirobe.
Can somebody from Japan please tell me why this is so funny?
Also in 135, Vegeta kills an innocent shepherd's flock.
Then a half dozen drivers on the highway.
("Just bein' a dick.")
135 also abruptly cuts away to tits.
And finally, 135 has a scene where Son Goku has, at last, started sleeping soundly.
From DBZ 136, Umigame Gaiden.

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