Saturday, January 23, 2016

Filler Episodes (Top 7 Saturdays)

Top 7 Saturday No. 2
Filler Episodes

Filler episodes have been treated with a certain wary stigma as long as I've been into any sort of anime. It has become such a geek symbol that the term has even crossed over into non-anime media, as a general term for an episode where nothing of import happens. However, the term itself, as my understanding of it goes anyway, refers specifically to those extra moments anime teams put in their show to keep their series from catching up with the manga it's adapted from. My point being that filler needn't be bad simply because it's filler. And it's often in these smaller, less consequential moments, that we get to see our characters fully realized by reacting to situations we wouldn't have seen them in otherwise.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hero Characters (Top 7 Saturdays)

Top 7 Saturday No. 1
Hero Characters

Preface: Plugging along Dragon Ball Kai as I am right now, I'm looking very closely at running out of officially translated material to cover here on Super Dragon Blog. 57 Kai episodes remain to me, plus the 2010 remake of Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans and Resurrection 'F'. I could reasonably have all that done before the winter is over (don't bet on it, though; I'm as unreliable as our hero). Until Dragon Ball Kai: The Final Chapters and Dragon Ball Super see official translation, the blog will have very little to cover, and for who knows how long. But rather than let it fall into extended inactivity again (like how I didn't update for all of 2014; Still feel a bit shit about that), I thought I might shift into more opinion and discussion oriented posts.