Sunday, May 29, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 76 - Tenshinhan's Desperate Shin Kikoho! Save Your Friends, Son Goku

Episode sources


To stop Cell from reaching his Perfect form, Tenshinhan puts his very life on the line! Using the powered up version of his Kikoho (the Shin Kikoho, natch), Ten trades his own lifeforce to keep Cell from pursuing Artificial Humans #16 and #18. Chaozu, Goku, and the rest of his friends beg for him to stop, knowing he'll soon die, but Ten's pride won't allow him to stand back and do nothing.

Yet, before he dies, Ten faints, collapsing onto the ground...
... and Cell is back.
And he's not happy with Tenshinhan.


Before Cell can finish off Tenshinhan, Son Goku arrives in a blink of his Instantaneous Movement! Once there, he promises that in one day, he'll be back to fight and defeat Cell himself. Cell is pretty confused by the whole thing (considering the Son Goku he knows is the one who fought Vegeta years ago), but before he can question further, Goku senses Piccolo's faint ki, and zips away to collect him.

"Okay. Whatever that new move is, it's Overpowered as fuck."

Meanwhile, Bulma brings Kuririn the remote for switching off the Artificial Humans...
... and then heads for Kami's Temple, to bring our heroes new armor.

Back at Kami's Temple, the mysterious doors to the Room of Spirit and Time finally reopen...

"... Sorry we kept you waiting~"
"I hope... you can forgive me~"

Trunks is back, and the year within the Room of Spirit and Time has been more than a little kind to him. I mean. Damn.

Oh, also Vegeta and his forehead are back.

Bulma gives everyone their new armor, designed off those used by the Freeza Force.
But Piccolo and Ten decline theirs, not wanting to wear the uniform of the guy who killed them.
"Don't be so fussy!"
Yeah, guys, c'mon. Quit being fussy.

Vegeta, on the other hand, assures everyone that there will be no need for them to train.
For he, the Prince of the Saiyan fighting people, shall destroy Cell and the Artificial Humans in one.
"Is that the same speech he always gives before getting his ass kicked?"

Elsewhere, Cell can't find #18.

So he throws a tantrum.

"Should we leave? He sounds like he's going to blow up these islands."
"Nah, don't worry. Cell is a little bitch."
"My bad."

What's cut?
In DBZ 153, #18 watches Cell search for her.
In DBZ 154, Bulma and lil Trunks have fun flying to Kami's.
While #16 likes watching birds.

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