Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 62 - Piccolo's Assault! The Missing #20 and the Twisted Future

Episode sources

"Old Man Cyborg! Come here so I can kick your ass!"
"... I don't understand. That always worked on Planet Vegeta."
"Raditz! Come here so I can kick your ass!"
"At once, my Lord!"
"Oh well, I'll just use our other favorite technique on Planet Vegeta."
"Fuck this planet!!!"

Vegeta's strategy to get #20 out in the open backfires when the sneaky cyborg uses Vegeta's ki to fuel his own power, before zipping back off into cover.

"Gero out!"
"... Given how I won all my fights on Namek, I'm not going to say I don't deserve this."

Hidden away and undetectable by ki sense, #20 plots his next move. He locates where Kuririn, Gohan, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo are, and comes up with a scheme to steal their energy, and then use it to overcome Vegeta in battle (and presumably, steal his too, before leaving to fight Son Goku). But rather than picking them off from weakest to strongest (Kuririn first, as Tenshinhan is the strongest fucking human), he decides to dive into the deep in and attack Piccolo.

He forgot that when you fuck with Batman, you have to deal with Robin.

With the spike in Gohan's ki, everyone is immediately drawn to the scene. But before Vegeta can attack #20, Piccolo has himself a bite o' senzu and show #20 what exactly happens when you fuck with green. (Spoiler: They get mean.)

"Who the fuck are you?!"
"Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Daimao."

Piccolo reminds everyone that he's Piccolo Daimao, almost like the author just remembered and decided to remind the audience before using it in a plot device, so he isn't all soft like Son Goku - and he has no problem killing #20. But before he can, Trunks o' the Future shows up, and he doesn't know who the fuck #20 is.

"I dunno who the fuck that is!"

But before everyone can relish too much in their confusion (double for Vegeta, as Piccolo calls out to Trunks by name so Vegeta's fatherly anxiety just went through the ceiling [and who can blame him? Raising an infant AND a teenager? Fuck that.]), the other Trunks shows up with Bulma and Yajirobe. And Bulma does know who the fuck #20 is!

"Hey, I know who the fuck that is!"

However, before anyone can explain who the fuck who is, #20 takes the opportunity to launch a ki blast at the new mother and get the fuck out of dodge.

"Gero out!"

What's cut?
Even though this frame is briefly scene in the recap of Kai 62, the version in DBZ 131 has dialogue that goes along with it wherein Chichi and Yamcha fret over Goku.

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