Monday, May 23, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 71 - Blast the Ubiquitous Cell! Son Goku, Back in Action At Last!

Episode sources

Cell is on the loose. And it's up to Piccolo and Tenshinhan to track him down.
(And Hardy Boys, they ain't.)
While Trunks and Kuririn locate the modern era's Cell.
"Well... there he is..."
"Get back, I'm going to blast him."
"Wait, Kuririn..."
"... what about his Immortal Soul?"

As for Vegeta, he has run off to find a way to not only surpass a Super Saiyan, but he guarantees he'll surpass everything!
Yeah, I know, I just said.

After Kuririn's stand with #PP, he splits up with Trunks (who is off to train with his father to surpass everything) and heads for Capsule Corp. to take Bulma and Doc Brief the plans for #17. 

The scientific duo are impressed and saddened by the depth of Dr. Gero's intelligence. But they're certain they can discover a weakness to his nearly flawless Artificial Humans. Which is good, as time may indeed be running out, as Kuririn would find out on his way back to Kame House...

A sister and brother are the sole survivors Cell's attack on Basil Airport. And even then, it may not be for long. Once Cell sets his sights on a human, it is only a matter of time before he takes your bio energy. Unless...

Kuririn is on the case!!

"Yo, Kuririn."
"Ah shit. Good goin'. Now I have to fight this guy..."
"Um... thank you, sir."
"... Worth it~"
"Having a penis sounds like the worst thing."

And now, presented without commentary, the best fucking part of this whole G.D. Saga. (Get yourself pumped.)

"I should have seen that coming."

Meanwhile, at the Artificial Humans family vacation.

#18 has bad allergies, so she's tired of all these trees and shit.
Since #17 won't listen to her about taking proper roads though, 18 improvises.
(If the whole "killing Son Goku" thing doesn't work out, working for Saruman might.)

Three days later...

The Z Team watches Cell murder people on TV for three whole days.
Only then does it dawn on them that they can follow him without using their ki.
The Z Team aren't bright.

But the Not Brightest of them all is about to make his grand re-entrance!

Son Goku, healthy again, and ready to surpass everything Super Saiyan.
"Thank god you're back, this show gets so weird when you're not in it."

What's cut?
In DBZ 145, Gohan tricks Chichi by pretending to study while he trains.
Also in 145, Uchiyama draws the weirdest looking Cell.
In DBZ 146, this guy tries to kill Cell with bullets.
It doesn't work out.
Later in 146, Trunks flashes back to all the weird shit in the last dozen odd episodes.
Chichi falls into Muten Roshi.
And Cell is sneaky!
Oh Cell, you scamp!

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