Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Another batch of episodes completed. This time, it's the Ginyu Tokusentai arc. Plus, the first DB TV special! Woot!

Now sit back and enjoy these extra shots I took.

Elite Senshi.

Dragon Ball Z ep 75 - Thou Who Hast Gathered the Seven Balls... Now Speak Forth the Password

Protector of the Innocent! 
Champion of Justice! 
The Strongest in the Universe... Son Gohan...!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 74 - Whoops!! Ginyu Has Turned into a Frog

Commander Ginyu's plan was seemingly full-proof. As Vegeta confidently flew at him, ready to make the final blow, Ginyu had begun his signature technique, Body Change. His objective was to steal Vegeta's body, leaving Vegeta in Son Goku's utterly battered body. Then Commander Ginyu could use Vegeta's incredible strength to finish off Gohan, Kuririn, and Goku.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 73 - That Ain't Me! Gohan, Don't Lose Your Nerve, Hit Your Father!!

The mighty last warrior son of Planet Namek, Nail, stands up to Freeza despite the vast difference in their power. If he can only manage to hold Freeza off, Dende can make it to the Earthlings and get them their wish from the Dragon Balls. But should Nail not succeed, or if the Grand Elder dies, Freeza could very well destroy both the Earthlings and the planet itself.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

300th post

Unless I'm reading the signs wrong, this will be my 300th post. Wow. I bet most of you didn't think I'd make it longer than six months (for the record, I'm 10 months in - woof). For my long time readers, thank you for sticking around and seeing this madness through. For the new folks (I know you're there! Hey!), I hope you'll be sticking around until the end.

Let's see how far I've come...

Pilaf Saga

Dragon Ball Z ep 71 - Surprise!! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku

In an effort to stall Freeza, Nail convinces him to leave the Grand Elder far behind for their battle. His guise is simple - if the Grand Elder dies from their conflict, it will be bad for both of them. Freeza does not imagine their fight will last long enough for this to matter, but chooses to indulge the final Namekian warrior anyway. As Nail powers up his ki, Freeza is actually quite impressed by his Battle Power rating! He is much stronger than any Namekian he has seen so far. Indeed, he's about as strong as Freeza's left arm.

"I call her 'Jill'."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 68 - At Last, a Direct Confrontation!! Commander Ginyu Takes the Field

"How did you get behind me?! Behind me, who prides himself on being the fastest in the universe!" Butta spits angrily.
"Then maybe you're second-fastest in the universe, ain't ya?"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 67 - Lightning Balls of Red and Blue! Butta and Jheese Attack Goku

Son Goku defeats Reacoom in a flash. Despite having bested Vegeta, Kuririn, and Gohan at their very strongest, the savage Ginyu Tokusentai member was no match for the new Goku. Goku warns his comrades to leave the planet, or suffer their friend's fate. Butta and Jheese are incredulous. Reacoom lost, sure, but only due to carelessness! Goku's Battle Power is measly compared to theirs!!

Dragon Ball Z ep 66 - Uncommon Strength!! Son Goku, the Legendary Super Saiyan

And long, long last... Son Goku has come to Planet Namek.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 63 - Super-Magic or Just a Trick?! Mr. Ghurd is Angry!

Butta is impressed as he watches Kuririn and Gohan's Battle Powers raise dramatically. Could they be a race which can raise their Battle Powers at will without transforming? To begin their fight with Ghurd, our heroes launch off a double assault of Kamehameha and Masenko. But as Vegeta warned them, Ghurd fights by manipulating time...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 62 - Goku on the Final Approach! Smash Through Freeza's Dragnet

The Ginyu Tokusentai have arrived on Planet Namek at long last, bearing Scouters and strength for their boss, Freeza. They are Reacoom, Butta, Jheese, Ghurd, and Commander Ginyu. Their mission is simple: Find Vegeta. Beat him within an inch of his life. Bring him to Freeza. With that, Freeza might find the Dragon Balls and gain his wish for Immortality. As for two Earthlings with Vegeta, their orders are to kill them as they see fit.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 60 - Charge!! The Kaioken and Kamehameha of an Indomitable Spirit

 Meet Blueberry and Raspberry.

They're a couple of Generic Freeza Minions who happen upon Bulma and the 4-star Dragon Ball. They're eager to find Vegeta, and are under the impression that Bulma is his ally. So they swoop on her, and despite her pleas that she is ignorant, they promise she will speak differently when she's questioned by Freeza himself...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 59 - Watch Out, Bulma!! The Four Star Ball Falls Into Freeza's Clutches

It has come to Vegeta's attention that Kuririn and Gohan have the ability not only to hide their ki, but also a device which detects Dragon Balls. Realizing that he can not longer leave his six balls unattended, Vegeta elects to wait, guarding, for the Earthling's to make their move. He figures he has three or four days to spare until Freeza can obtain new Scouters from Planet Freeza. He'll need eternal life by then if he hopes to usurp Freeza's reign...