Friday, May 31, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 221 - The Awaiting Trap!! A Challenge from the Demon Realm

Babidi and Dabra know that Spopovitch and Yamu have been followed; And that Kaioshin is among them. They figure that three of the fighters hiding among the rocks have enough energy to unleash Majin Boo, so Babidi sends Dabra to kill everyone else. Well, everyone else except Kaioshin, who killed Babidi's father Bibidi, and who Babidi wishes to kill himself. And once the others are killed, Dabra can lead them into the spaceship, where it will be easy to collect their energy.

Dabra does as commanded...
... taking out Kibito first!
Dodging around Goku and Vegeta, he spits on Kuririn and Piccolo...
... turning them into stone!

The only way to recover Piccolo and Kuririn is to kill Dabra. So as Dabra flies back to the spaceship, the three Saiyans fall easily into Babidi's trap, despite Kaioshin's warnings.

"Sorry, man. Just lingering around isn't one of our stronger skills."

Kaioshin follows the Saiyans into the spaceship, and they await the challenge from Babidi.

There they meet minion Puipui! Who has the most annoying laugh in the world:

(The fuck's wrong with this guy.)

Meanwhile, Babidi and Dabra inject the energy collected by Spopovitch and Yamu into Majin Boo's egg... and in one shot, Majin Boo's energy jumps up to nearly 50%! The villainous duo are at a loss as to how Spopovitch and Yamu managed to collect so much energy...

"Maybe I shouldn't have killed them..."

Then they turn their attention to the fight at Stage 1, where Puipui is facing down the Saiyans and Kaioshin. You see, Babidi's spaceship was evidently constructed by Dr. Wiley, because every Stage has a different boss for our heroes to fight, with Babidi at the final Stage. Confident in Puipui's abilities, Babidi thinks he may have already beaten them... when he looks into his crystal ball to find the Saiyans playing rock-paper-scissors.

"I did it!"
(Horikawa's reading of his line seriously had me belly laughing for a minute. Fucking Vegeta.)

Kaioshin pleads with the Saiyans not to fight the Stage's one-on-one, but of course Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan don't listen to him.

Puipui annoyingly gloats that he'll beat the energy out of them for Majin Boo's revival...

But Vegeta is confident that he won't need to take damage - and thus give no energy to Majin Boo - in order to defeat the likes of Puipui!

1 comment:

  1. Puipui gets the award for Most Grating Laugh in Dragonball Canon.
