Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 206 - Even Gohan is Surprised! Goten's Explosion of Power

All across this world and the Next, our heroes prepare themselves for the 25th Tenka-ichi Budokai. Piccolo's ki rises through meditation; Kuririn and #18 spar together; Son Goku trains with weights under Kaio-sama's supervision; And Son Gohan and Goten rush toward their training in the wilderness.

Before leaving home, Chichi warned Goten against distracting his brother from training. Goten promised to keep focused and be helpful to Gohan.

But when the two brothers reach the wilderness, Goten becomes too preoccupied catching bugs and playing with dinosaurs to help with Gohan's training.

So Gohan devises a plan for Goten to help; They gather up stones for Goten to throw at Gohan, so Gohan can test and train his reflexes.

 Goten is far better at it than Gohan anticipated.

So Gohan has Goten move a little further back and then lets him go wild! Goten throwing stones, and Gohan dodging them with all his focus. Finally Gohan has gotten used to it, letting Goten get in closer. Goten realizes he's at a disadvantage, so he asks his brother if he can turn Super Saiyan like him. Gohan laughs, saying how he certainly can, after lots of harsh training. After all, it took Gohan and Goku years to master Super Saiyan.

And then, Goten turns Super Saiyan.
Yup. Just like that.

Completely shocked at his younger brother, Gohan finds out that Chichi had been training Goten secretly as Gohan studied.

But Chichi had forbade Goten from using Super Saiyan, because it makes him a "delinquent".

Gohan laughs, knowing how his mother always disapproved of Super Saiyan. And now that he knows Goten can spar, Gohan decides to take their training to the next level.

It's all Gohan can do to keep up with Goten.

Surprisingly, Goten can't fly! Gohan laughs at how backwards Goten's development has been - Super Saiyan before he can fly. So Gohan promises to teach Goten how to fly. He says if he keeps up his training, he might be able to enter the Tenka-ichi Budokai as well. Goten says that Trunks is even better than him, always winning when they play fight. Gohan privately becomes worried - these kids might pass him up if he's lazy!

Speaking of learning to fly, just then Videl arrives at the Son House, looking to make good on Gohan's promise to teach her. 

But Chichi is doubtful of Videl's true intentions...
"Now don't you go doin' nothin' lewd to Gohan and tellin' him it's out of thanks!" 
"There's no way I'd do that sort of thing!" 

Chichi thinks Videl is only entering the Budokai with Gohan as a way of getting married to him! Because after all, as Goten says to Videl, that's what his mom and dad did.

"What happy memories~"
"What a weirdo..."


  1. Back in my day, we had to work to turn Super Saiyan.

    1. Or watch your best friend die or your little alien friend get beat up by a land owner some 1000 years in the past.

  2. I feel like Goten is the first kid in the series to act like an actual child. Same goes for Trunks. Probably because compared to Goku and Gohan, they've had pretty normal lives.
