Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 204 - A Case of Robbery!! The Culprit is Saiyaman!

Mr. Satan and Videl watch video footage from the 24th Tenka-ichi Budokai, which Mr. Satan was the champion. Videl asks about the last champion, who was supposedly very strong. Mr. Satan says he was a peculiar man who used a lot of tricks, named Son Goku. He assures his daughter that had they met in the ring, he, Mr. Satan, would have been victorious. But Videl is more interested in Son Goku's family-name... Son.

Meanwhile, Son Gohan and Son Goten are worried about their friend Chibi - a baby pterodactyl. His parents - the Totos - are gone and he is missing from his nest. Too young to fly, the Son boys are worried something happened to the little guy.

Then they see Chibi's fate on TV - kidnapped by a circus ringmaster. 
Gohan goes into the city to reason with the ringmaster, but to no avail. 
So Great Saiyaman is on the case!! 
Saiyaman easily takes out the ringmaster's thugs and frees Chibi. 
... But the circus has brought the police into the chase! 
And where there's police, there's Videl
(Videl fights Saiyaman with her vagina.
Saiyaman tries to explain that when the Totos arrive to find their baby it will be trouble, but Videl is too eager to fight our hero. 
However, she really is no match for him. 
(Privately, Gohan thinks she's much stronger than Mr. Satan.)
That's when the Totos finally show up, and begin wrecking the police. 
Saiyaman almost calls out his name - Goha--! But it's too late. Videl's suspicions are at their peak! 
But no time to be suspicious! Papa Toto attacks Videl! 
Apologizing to his friend, Saiyaman knocks the father out. 
But with Gohan's help, the Toto family is reunited. 
And the day is once again saved, thanks to-- 
-- The Great Saiyaman!

... the next day, however... 

Videl has finally figured it out. Not only that Gohan is the son of the champion of the 23rd Tenka-ichi Budokai, but that he is also the superhero, Great Saiyaman! And she wants to fight him, at the 25th Tenka-ichi Budokai! After all, the children of the two champions should be a spectacular match. Gohan is hesitant,  insisting he isn't interested, but Videl promises to keep his identity secret if he agrees. He can even enter the Budokai as Saiyaman. Gohan reluctantly agrees.

Also, Videl wants to learn how to fly.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! I've just received my free Riot Points!

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