Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 222 - Don't Toy With Me!! Vegeta's Breakthrough First Strike of Fury

Meet Puipui. Loyal servant of Madoshi Babidi. Warrior of Stage 1. Has an annoying laugh and looks like a fusion of Appule and Kewie.
And before this episode ends, he'll be dead.

In order to prevent Babidi from resurrecting the fearsome Majin Boo, and to defeat Dabra to restore their friends Kuririn and Piccolo, Son Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Kaioshin must fight their way through the several stages of Babidi's underground spaceship. Winning their round of rock-paper-scissors, Vegeta gets to go first and fight Stage 1's guardian Puipui. Gohan remarks that it's like a video game, to which Vegeta replies it's an insignificant game.

You can see why Vegeta's not impressed. 
Puipui can't seem to damage Vegeta, which gives Babidi none of the energy he needs to restore Majin Boo. 
Hoping to give Puipui an edge, he uses his magic to turn Stage 1 into Planet Zun, Puipui's home world. 
Goku-tachi are impressed. 
Puipui lets out his annoying laugh in triumph! On his home world, he'll have the advantage, because it's ten times the gravity of Earth!
Except that Vegeta regularly trains in 300 times gravity... 
In a throwback to the Freeza Saga, Vegeta obliterates a goofy looking minion. 
Babidi can't believe it. (And neither can Kaioshin.

Meanwhile, Chichi wonders where Goten has gone off to... 
... while he and Trunks try to convince Mr. Announcerman that Mighty Mask is taking a shower, as they take a break from walk around in his sweaty suit.
(Shouldn't the real MM have woken up by now?

It's Goku's turn next to fight. And he's very excited! 
Stage 2's fighter is so dastardly, that he eats filler minions. 

Goku gets impatient waiting for his fight, so Vegeta suggests just blowing their way to the bottom level of the spaceship. Kaioshin insists they mustn't, as any shock may wake up Majin Boo - and even though he won't have his full power, Majin Boo is still dangerous! But Vegeta is beginning to get skeptical that Majin Boo is even worth worrying about. After all, Dabra isn't that impressive. Goku notes that Dabra would've been impressive seven years ago, as he's probably about as strong as Cell. (A statement that has never caused an argument on an internet forum ever.)

But then, Yakon makes his appearance! Look out, Goku!


  1. Speaking of video games, Vegeta's fight with Puipui makes me think of when you're at the lategame and you run into a drone that gave you trouble before, but you now crush them with ease.

    Also, random note, I really like the uniforms of Babidi's soldiers. Too bad they're a bunch of clowns.

  2. >A statement that has never caused an argument on an internet forum ever.

    That's far from the truth (unless your being sarcastic).

    Also, someone please kill Kaioshin.

    1. Sarcasm doesn't seem to translate well on the internet. I mean, why make such a statement if you don't mean for it to be sarcastic?

    2. Now it's my turn to ask: is your last statement sarcasm? Because I legitimately don't understand why anyone hates Kaioshin, but I see it all over the internet. :o

  3. Because after the last episode, he turns into a completely incompetent pussy.

    1. Kaioshin showed up to warn the others, pretty much exclusively. He never promised to swoop in and be a fighting badass, or do anything for the boys--otherwise why would be need the help of the Saiyans & co.? And I'm sorry, he's hardly an "incompetent pussy," because everything he predicts comes true. I'm not about to fault one of the few characters with an actual level head in the show full of blockheaded aliens.

      It seems like you and others who hate him for that reason projected your high expectations on to him, when he was never there to serve that purpose in the first place. This is still a gag fighting story at its heart.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Obviously, he needs someone to change his diapers during the hunt.

      Also, It is true that his plans failed because the Saiyans weren't acting the way he expected them to (though with his abilities he should have saw something like this coming)- but the only reason his plans even came close to succeeding in the first place is because of factors he didn't account for so he deserves no credit.

      Right now, my vendetta against mainly stems from the fact that he was revealed to have known Majin Boo can absorb people but never warns them. That, and his fear of Pui-Pui; a scrub who thinks 10 times gravity is a big deal (making the whole claim that he can one-shot Freeza even harder to swallow).

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