Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 220 - The Man Behind the Curtains Appears!! The Evil Madoshi Babidi

Spopovitch and Yamu are leaving to return to their master Babidi with Son Gohan's plentiful energy. Now that their task is complete, they're sure they're in for a good reward. We'll see how correct they are after the break.

Although their enemy, the warlock Babidi, has no great strength, he has a powerful magic that makes him a deadly foe. Indeed, his most dangerous power is his ability to take evil hearts and corrupt them, like he did to Spopovitch and Yamu.

Kibit explains to Gohan that the reason they were at the Tenka-ichi Budokai at all was to find and steal great energy. Only unpolluted energy can revive Majin Boo, and Super Saiyan 2 Gohan had plenty of unpolluted energy.

Unable to keep up with their speed of flying, Videl decides against her desire that she must go back. But she learns that Gohan was actually the Golden Warrior and that he was the child at the Cell Games. And through Gohan's silence, she confirms that it was Gohan and his friends that actually beat Cell, not her father Mr. Satan. She is glad to finally know the whole truth.

"Don't die, Gohan-kun. If you come back safely, I want to date you and stuff..."

Spopovitch and Yamu touch down where Babidi's spaceship is buried underground, with our heroes not far behind them. Hiding in rocks to scope out the scene, it's not one, but two people who meet up with Spopovitch and Yamu.

Introducing Madoshi Babidi and
King of the Demon Realm of Darkness, Dabra.

Upon seeing Dabra, Kaioshin and Kibit wet themselves.

Dabra is the ruler of the Demon Realm of Darkness, which is an alternate dimension from Earth. Such a world of darkness exists, and Dabra is the strongest of that realm. And even he is under the sway of Babidi. That is why only heroes with pure hearts can face down the fearsome warlock.

"But doesn't that rule Piccolo out? He was born a Demon Clansman, after all..."
"That was a long time ago!!"

With Gohan's unpolluted energy handed over to Babidi, Spopovitch and Yamu eagerly anticipate their reward for a job well done. But Babidi says he has no more use for them.

So he literally blows Spopovitch's mind.
Yamu tries to hightail it out of there...
... but minion Puipui is on his tail!
Babidi, you're a cold motherfucker.
But Dabra, you handsome as shit.


  1. This is when Kaioshin officially stopped being cool and it's not even been 10 episodes since his debut.

  2. maybe he stopped being cool but it was unexpected. That's something dragonball is good at, especially this arc.
