Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 218 - Exposed!! The Saiyaman is Son Gohan

The media gather outside the Budo Temple infirmary, asking Mr. Satan for Videl's prognosis 
He gives them a message for Spopovitch.

Mr. Satan is worried sick over his daughter, and he can't make sense of her loss at the hands of Spopovitch... 
Spopovitch, who Mr. Satan had dispatched so easily at the last Budokai. It doesn't add up for him.

Meanwhile, Goku eats a lot of Karin's food. 
"He'd be a lot more charming if he acted like the dead man that he is." Says Karin.

Finally, Goku returns from Karin Tower with the three remaining Senzu Beans. (Didn't there used to be a fucking bucket of them? You guys are such scrubs.) He gives them to Gohan who, despite the protests of Mr. Satan and Videl's doctor, gives one of them to Videl. Videl accepts it gladly, knowing that if it's from Gohan, something amazing will surely happen. (D'awwww.)

And she's completely cured.
(And won't get hungry for at least 10 days. Everyone always forgets that part. Probably because Saiyans are immune to it.

Gohan rushes away from the infirmary to meet Kibit in the ring for their match up. 
From the crowd, Gohan's classmates recognize his haircut. 
Shapner is let down by Saiyaman's identity. He wants his camera back.
With no point in hiding his identity any longer, he removes his glasses. 

Kibit requests he turn Super Saiyan immediately, so see if he can help when "the time comes".

Piccolo telepathically tells Gohan to go along with it, then tells Goku and the others about Kaioshin.

Kaioshin apologizes, as they're about to use Gohan for their plan.

Meanwhile, Spopovitch and Yamu wait in the wings... 

The crowd complains loudly as they get impatient for fighting.
"You all shut up! Something awesome is about you happen here!" 
You're right about that, Chichi
Something awesome indeed.

1 comment:

  1. I always figured the "ten meals" thing with Senzus was if you ate a Senzu at normal health; eating one after being grievously wounded probably only puts your appetite at normal, give or take.

    Also, I'm glad we have Yajirobe's mustache now.
