Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dragon Ball Z: The Dangerous Duo! Super-Warriors Can’t Rest (DBZ Movie 10)

Floating through adrift through space at the end of his climatic battle with Son Goku, Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan, has found his way through the cosmos, to Earth. Crash landing in a space pod, the broken warrior is all-but collapsing from his wounds, yet his hatred keeps him alive. Alive along enough for the icy lake around him to freeze over, and for Broly to become frozen in time, for seven years.

Since years later finds our young heroes Goten and Trunks out searching for the seven dragon balls with Videl, who wants to see Shen Long for herself.

Trunks wants to wish to become pirate king.
Goten would rather be candy king.

But as they search for the final ball, the group stumbles on a poor village in the mountains. What's odd is that their home is surrounded by rare crystals, yet they're still so poor. Videl goes into the village to investigate, and finds a young girl being set up for sacrifice, named Cocoa.

Not this Cocoa.
That's the one.

Videl and the local priest go head-to-head, as Videl tries to convince the villagers that they're falling into simple superstition. The village mayor explains how they have little choice, since the village's money dried up ever since the monster arrived seven years ago. As a champion of justice, Videl intervenes, offering to face the monster herself. Goten and Trunks decide to come along.

They are disguised with an offering to the monster.
Hungry, Trunks steals a little bit of the offering. But when Goten tries to swipe his own, Videl smacks him and tells him off.
Well, that makes Goten cry. A lot.
Which makes Videl give in, and let him have some food. Trunks remarks how she fell for his crocodile tears.

But Goten's cry awakens a familiar feeling...
... in the heart of a frozen foe.

The monster, a dinosaur, shows his face. And Goten and Trunks easily mess him up.

The village, ever grateful, hosts a wondrous feast in honor of Videl, Goten, and Trunks, with the cooked carcass of the dino-monster. That night, Goten and Trunks rest easy, so Videl decides to take the night off from dragon ball hunting.

The next morning, Videl is awoken by flashes and bangs...

"What are you doing so early in the morning?!"
(Broly's speech is even better in this movie.)
Goten and Trunks arrive, witnessing Videl's easy defeat at the hands of Broly.
Broly only has eyes for Goten, who he thinks is his father.
"What's that? A Kakarotto? I've never eaten something like that before."
(Calm down, spazz.)

Across the world, Gohan senses an incredible ki...

Even as Super Saiyans, the boys are no match for Broly.

Then, Goten spots the final dragon ball! The Four-Star-Ball!! And the pair devise a plan: Grab it and call Shen Long, and have him take care of Broly! Goten goes after the ball...
... while Trunks distracts Broly.

But even after gathering all seven balls, Goten doesn't know how to summon Shen Long.

... Leaving Trunks alone to battle the Legendary Super Saiyan.
... and so he pees on him.

Broly is rightly furious. But before he can get revenge on the boys...
Son Gohan arrives. And in place of his father, he vows to fight Broly.

Gohan manages to use his own ki to shield Videl, Goten, and Trunks from Broly furious assault, but the threesome are still stricken down. The only one capable of taking on such an opponent, Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan 2.

I think.
But Broly has his own power up: The Legendary Super Saiyan takes the stage!
Gohan has powered up a lot since they last met.
... yet it does him little good.

(Does that mean Broly is stronger than Cell?)

Without other options, Gohan leads Broly into fiery magma, hoping the flames will eat Broly alive.

Gohan passes out from exhaustion after the deed is done, and he's rescued by a familiar face...
... or Kuririn. (Er, okay. Not even going to ask why you have that outfit, Kuri.)
((It's because #18 has a Namekian roleplay fetish.))

But Broly has survived the lava hell!
... and goodbye, Kuririn.
(To be fair, without the cape and turban, Kuri looks pretty cool in that suit.)
Gohan does all he can to avoid Broly's ki assault.
So Broly scoops up Gohan and begins to crush him.

Geez, guys, what's with villains trying to hug Gohan to death?
"He's just so cute~!"
"I KNOW!~"

But Videl, daughter of Mr. Satan, resolves herself to make on final move against Broly. She tosses a crystal at him.
Which Broly easily breaks...
... but it gives Gohan the chance to escape!!

But Broly is tired of playing. Charging up his immense ki from atop a plateau, he begins his final attack on Son Gohan.
Gohan counters with a Super Kamehameha.
Goten picks himself up, and joins his brother in the Super Kamehameha.
It's all they can do to hold back Broly's attack.
Goten wishes desperately for Shen Long to save them...
... and the nearby dragon balls sparkle into life.
"You have to use up every last bit of power you got!" 
Son Goku has arrived.
"Ka...ka... rotto!!!"
And together, the Son boys unleash an Ultra Kamehameha!!
Unable to stay on the sideline, much like his father...
... Trunks throws his own ki into the mix to help out!
It seems to do the trick...!!!
With all their might, they push the Kamehameha forward!
And Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan, is utterly obliterated.

The dragon balls scatter around Earth.

But Son Goku is no where to be found.

 Videl is certain Gohan saved the day, and Gohan denies it.
 But Videl is still so suspicious of him!
 So Gohan tries to crawl away from her. (Good man.)
 Hungry, Goten and Trunks make their way back to the village.
And Kuririn, well... that's another story!
"Wait, what's going to happen to me?"


  1. Ah, perhaps the most infamous case of "did Toei forget the bioelectricity or leave it out intentionally?"

    I've always gone with the assumption that unless SSJ2 is clear, the character probably isn't in it. I mean, it makes Gohan stupid, but we already see him try to challenge Brolly as a base Saiyan when he's clearly SSJ, so...

    Anyway, this movie is basically the definition of "okay" to me. It has some memorable moments, in particular the Son Kamehameha, which is probably one of the most iconic moments in the whole anime series, but it kind of feels like a movie where nothing really happens in it.

    Also, starting with this one, Piccolo isn't in the DBZ movies anymore ;_;.

  2. Did Videl actually survived being touched by a Super Saiyan?

  3. Probably the worst film in the series, You get the sense that they felt that with the success of the first brolly movie they had to find any excuse to feature him again but were to lazy to come up with a good enough reason to justify his return, apart from that the team really wanted to make a comedy featuring the two kids, nothing wrong with that "yo son goku and his friends return" had it's moment but the two halves just did not gel into a movie worth watching.

    1. Movie 7 is a fair bit worse than this one, but yeah, it's not a great movie. But none of Broly movies are very good, really. Some of that is to do with Broly giving Takao Koyama bad writer's block.
