Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 215 - What's the Matter, Piccolo?! An Unheard of No-Fight-Forfeit

Chichi and Bulma argue over who will win the Tenka-ichi Budokai - Son Goku or Vegeta. Chichi is quick to point out that Goku never loses a match, but Bulma counters by saying that Trunks beat Goten, so Vegeta will surely win as well.

Yamcha attempts to calm the pair and keep the peace.
So they slam him against the stands.
(Even when Yamcha doesn't enter the tournament, he still loses his match.)

Kuririn's first match is against the fearsome Punter, who advanced all the way to the semi-finals in the last, 24th Budokai. (Of course, Kuririn has made the semi finals twice, and quarter finals another time, so nbd.)

He is a deadly foe.
But Kuririn isn't worried in the slightest.
Yamcha reassures young Marron that her father is, in terms of Earthlings, the strongest man alive.
And he proves it by taking down Punter in three hits.
Winner of round one, Kuririn!!
(Mr. A has a massive chub sprung right now.)

However, the next fight between the mysterious Shin and Piccolo doesn't go as planned. Though Mr. Announcerman asks Piccolo not to destroy the ring again, he needn't, as Piccolo is in utter terror at the sight of Shin. So terrified, that he quits the fight. He withdraws. Shin wins. (Ironically, a member of the audience screams, "We want to see a fight, not a scaring contest!" lol wrong animu then bro.)

Shin thinks to himself that, as the former Kami of Earth, Piccolo must already begin to realize who he is.

Kuririn doesn't like his chances in the quarter finals.

For round three, it's the hugely popular winner of the last Junior Division Budokai, champion of justice, and daughter of Mr. Satan, Videl, versus the roided out loser of the first round of the last Budokai, Spopovitch.

But for some reason, Spopovitch worries the mysterious Shin! Videl, watch out!!!

(This episode is really hard to watch as a Piccolo fan who as seen the rest of the series. I really want Piccolo to throw off his weights and throw down, despite being outclassed. I guess that just goes to show you how much his personality has been effected by Kami... I'll miss you being the biggest badass in the show, Piccolo. RIP Namekian Batman.)


  1. Piccolo is suffering from what all non saiyan characters eventually get.

    1. Piccolo is suffering from what all non Goku characters eventually get, if you're watching GT. ;D

    2. What do you think the GT in Dragon Ball GT stands for? Obviously, It stands for "Goku Time".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. MEANT TO SAY:

      It's a shame that Piccolo never gets a chance to throw down after the Cell Saga, but I think, for the most part, his natural fit as the mentor role makes up for it. He still plays a predominant part in the Buu Saga despite not being on the battlefield, and I'm happy for that.

    2. Personally, I think Piccolo would have kicked that purple faggot's ass but he backed out of respect due to Kami's influence. The fact that Kaioshin is later portrayed as a paranoid newbie makes Piccolo cowering out even harder to shallow.

  3. In the funi dub, when Bulma brags about Vegeta then Chichi says her husband will win it. And then Bulma becomes a complete bitch and says why does he have a halo on his head... mocking at a widow, completely insulting his sacrifice!
    But I know Funi is good at turning bulma and chichi into bitches with their crappy lines... I didn't see this arc in sub, so I just wanted to know did she really just pointed out that trunks had won... or gave a low blow.

    1. Bulma doesn't make any mention of Goku's death. I was actually surprised she didn't go for the low blow when I watched it. Maybe deep in my subconscious I'm remembering the dub when I watched it on Toonami all those years ago.

    2. Further to the matter, isn't Goku like one of her best friends? Why would they have her be that spiteful? Ironically though, if it wasn't for Goku and Gohan then Vegeta would have a halo on his head as well.

      Besides, it's Gohan's fault he got killed.

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