Monday, May 20, 2013

BONUS CONTENT! Great Saiyaman and the Junior Division

To my friends.
From the DBZ ending theme, episodes 200-291

Gohan on Kinto Un.
Gohan and Chichi.
Videl and Gohan.
Do you even lift?
With text.
Kawaii desu Bideru.


Great Saiyaman in flight.
Great Saiyaman walk.

Goten's pouty face.

Sassy Videl.
Ready to fly.

Videl at the ready.
No match for our agility.
Broly laughs.
Super Saiyan Grade 5.
Gohan punch.

 Kuririn family.

 Piccolo blushu.
Goten and Goku. 
23rd Champion and Runner-Up. 
Why is Tao there?

I want to be just like him. 
Champion of Home Video sales.

Kuririn knows best.

But, why? 
Goten at the ready.

It's you, then?! 
Epic Mr. Satan gifset.
Z senshi.

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