Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 211 - It's My Turn! Goten's Anxious First Fight

Finally, it's Goten's turn to enter the Tenka-ichi Budokai ring! And his opponent is Ikose, younger brother of Idasa, whom Trunks beat in two hits earlier. Trunks has decided not to watch his best friend's match, because he already knows the end result.

Meanwhile, Ikose's mother is still feeling competitive with Bulma.

Our old friend Mr. Announcerman sees Goten, and takes no time asserting whose son he is.
He smiles, lost in memories of the 21st Budokai.

... then Goten takes out Ikose in a single punch.

And up in the stands, Chichi knocks out his mother for attacking Bulma.
(Don't mess with the Son clan, people.)

Goten and Trunks continue to win matches, rising up through the rounds. 
Much to the delight of their mothers, 
and their fathers. 
 Until finally, the final round is announced: Goten vs Trunks!
Mr. Satan swears he's seen Goten before... 

The crowd can hardly contain their excitement at the match unfolding! Who will be the Junior Division Champion?!

1 comment:

  1. this episode is just like the last episode of gt
    goku jr vs vegerta jr
