Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 212 - Happiness Times a Million! The Junior Champion is Decided

Goten and Trunks clash in the final battle of the Tenka-ichi Budokai Junior Division.

Mr. Announcerman's blood pumps with excitement over the first half of the match! This is what a Tenka-ichi Budokai is supposed to be like! After years of waiting, he thinks he finally has a promising tournament on his hands!

Trunks shows off to Goten by performing a Kikoha
Gohan is worried such a ki blast will harm the spectators  but Goku is confident Trunks has better control over it than that. So as Goten dodges the attack... 
... Trunks easily maneuvers it out of harms way, proving Goku correct about him. 
Goten, to not be outdone, fires a Kamekameha
(Mispronouncing the iconic attack name.
But his control over ki is significantly less so than Trunks.

Meanwhile, Idasa and Ikose's mother makes them begin their training for the next Budokai, so that they can beat those two "vulgar" boys.
(Chichi needs to punch you again.

Trunks grabs Goten from behind!
With no way out, it looks as if Goten will lose the match. 
 ... Until he turns Super Saiyan!
"He can become a Super Saiyan?!" 
"That was dirty, Kakarotto!"
"No use telling me..." 
Videl is stunned.
And Mr. Satan is certain now why that child is familiar to him...!

After agreeing not to use Super Saiyan again, Trunks tells Goten he can beat him without using his left arm. 
Goten thinks he's full of shit. 
Goten flies high, high into the air... 
... then storms Trunks from above! 
He charges right at him! 
And as Trunks dodges, he uses ki to deflect himself at Trunks again! 
Unable to find a way around it... 
... Trunks goes Super Saiyan!!! 
... and blasts Goten with his left hand! 
 Goten touches out of bounds. Trunks is the winner!!!

 "Too bad. Looks as though my son comes from better stock."

Goten is angry at Trunks for going back on his word. 
So Trunks offers Goten any three of his toys in exchange. 
That cheers up Goten substantially.
(Bless him, the simple child.

But now that a Junior Division Champion has been decided, there is to be a special match between champions! Trunks, the Junior winner, against Mr. Satan, the champion of combat sports!

Mr. Satan takes the news about as well as he might.

Kuririn jokes about how Mr. Satan can't claim "trick" and wiggle his way out of this one. Vegeta chuckles, as he knows his son will destroy Mr. Satan. Videl is surprised by their talk.

 So Gohan tries to distract her.
"Pay them no mind, no mind~!"
What's really in store for Videl's father?!

1 comment:

  1. The Announcer has his first erection in 18 years starting today.
