Friday, May 17, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 210 - No Small Matter!! Little Trunks

After breaking the Punch Machine, many Tenka-ichi Budokai hopefuls don't want to compete if Vegeta will be competing. This doesn't hurt the Saiyan Prince's feelings.

Videl is surprised as anyone by this group's behavior; Not just that Vegeta smashed the machine, but that everyone in their group has scored way over Mr. Satan. Gohan doesn't seem very shocked (obviously) which disconcerts Videl even more so.

That's when Goku comes by to tell Gohan that they're leaving to watch the Junior Division. Goku is surprised to see Gohan with a girl ("That is a girl, right?" asks Goku, recalling his former days of never knowing for sure), and Kuririn congratulates him on bagging such a cutie. As they leave, Gohan tells Videl that the one in the orange dogi is his father. Videl is stunned - She thought his father was dead. Gohan reminds her that he is dead, hence his halo. Duh.

Mr Announcerman announces the start of the 25th Tenka-ichi Budokai!
And the Champion, Mr. Satan, unleashes himself on the crowd!
... then he falls and bangs his head on the ring...
"J-Joke!!" He meant to do that!
(Except not really.)

And then, a zeppelin flies over the arena to show the crowd a special recreation of the Cell Games, titled "Our Savior Mr. Satan: A Record of Glory".
It's the Cell Game...
And many heroes have gathered to fight the monster Cell.
(Though, apparently not Yamcha and Tenshinhan.)
Cell and the strange orange-clad fighter take to the air.
Meanwhile, Goku thinks the special is actually kind of fun.
But the fighters are no match for Cell!
(Ah, there's Yamcha and Tenshinhan.)
However, hope has arrived in the form of Mr. Satan!!!
Meanwhile, the real Mr. Satan is embarrassed by his face.
Cell tries to use tricks to outwit our hero...
... but tricks have no effect on Mr. Satan!
With his fists of justice, Mr. Satan wallops Cell to oblivion!
And the day is saved, thanks to our hero, Mr. Satan!
"Sure is amazing what happens when you let a fib go on this long!"

Now it's time for the Junior Division!
In the contestants area, Goten and Trunks discuss what they might do with their prize money.
Just then, a mulleted 15 year old named Idasa comes over to bully Trunks.
Trunks doesn't pay him any mind.

The Junior Division itself doesn't seem that impressive.
Kuririn remarks it won't be that interesting until Trunks and Goten fight.

Finally, Trunks is called to fight the 15 year old Idasa.
His mother, sitting near Bulma, remarks that Idasa won't be able to show much of his form off with such a little kid as his opponent.
Bulma gets competitive.
"Trunks! Knock a hole in his dumb-looking face!"
Trunks listens to his mom.


  1. Can't say I blame Goku for being skeptical given the haircut and the lack of a chest.

  2. Videl has a chest, dhochoy. It's just that she's wearing at least 2 shirts (one of which is very large and baggy).
