Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dragon Blog's Second Anniversary?! Who Would Have Thought He'd Come Back!

Hey gang.

I can't believe its been two entire years since I started this journey to watch and blog every Dragon Ball episode/movie/special/etc. Time really flies when you're doing nothing but watching a cartoon from the 80's. I know I scared some of you last year when I suddenly stopped updating for a few months, but I came back, and I've been going strong ever since. I think when I started the blog, I obsessed with having daily updates, so much so that I started inventing updates when I didn't find the time to watch a new episode/movie. It all built up until it was overwhelming, and I just needed time away, to refresh myself. It worked, and now I'm back and I don't stress about updates anymore. They'll be here when they get here.

Just think, this time next year, I'll be finishing Dragon Ball Kai. I hope you all stick around to watch.



  1. Happy belated anniversary! I'm looking forward to hanging on for the ride. <3

  2. "Just think, this time next year, I'll be finishing Dragon Ball Kai. I hope you all stick around to watch."

    Uh, no.
