Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 200 - 7 Years Since Then! Starting Today, I'm a High School Student

Seven years after the Cell Games, and Mr. Satan is thought to be the hero of civilization. His home city was renamed Satan City in his honor. And it's in this city that our story takes place.

Satan City Bank is being held up by a group of ruthless robbers. 
Not even the police can stop these hardened criminals. 
When suddenly, up in the sky... 
... it's Son Gohan

After years of learning through self study and correspondence courses, Chichi has decided it isn't enough and that Gohan should attend a real High School. So off to Satan City's own Orange Star High where Gohan will learn like any other boy his age. But of course, he's no ordinary boy, as you know, being the real hero of the Cell Games. And three times he's come to Satan City and stopped crimes, always hiding his identity by turning Super Saiyan. 

But this time, he cuts it a little close.

Videl, a girl from Gohan's class, begins to grow suspicious of him.

Gohan is introduced to his fellow classmates as an outstanding student who completed his transfer test with top marks in every subject. This is met with jeers from his classmates, but Gohan doesn't seem to notice.

In class, he meets Erasa: a young girl who immediately crushes on our hero. 
And Shapner: A douchebag. 

From Erasa, Gohan learns about a mysterious hero called the Golden Warrior. Which, as it turns out, is actually Super Saiyan Gohan. Gohan feels instantly panicked that they'd figure him out, but lucky for him, everyone thinks of him as a tremendous nerd. Except for Videl. Videl is still suspicious of him. And she's Mr. Satan's daughter (what a twist!), so she recalls the men from the Cell Game who could turn their black hair into gold. Strange, she thinks.

He exercise everyday.

After English, it's time for PE, where they'll be playing Baseball. 
And their coach is Freddie Mercury.
And like Freddie, Gohan is under pressure to under preform and keep his identity secret. 
... which would have worked had he not made an 8 meter jump to catch a ball. 

Up at bat, Gohan doesn't do much better. He doesn't hit the ball, but it takes a nasty ball to the face and barely flinches, earning a base for his team. 

Later, Erasa wants to go home with Gohan. ;D

But instead of getting his first handy from the blond in the tubetop, Gohan elects to sneak his way home on Kinto Un.

But he's got Videl creepin' on him.

Who knew High School would be so tough?!


  1. Strange as it may sound I quite enjoy the great saiyaman saga.

    1. I find it strange that enjoying the Saiyaman Saga would be strange. It's an absolute joy.

    2. Got a lot of saiyaman haters out there lol
