Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 216 - Undyingly Unpleasant! The Mystery of Spopovitch

Match #3 of the Tenka-ichi Budokai is Videl vs Spopovitch! More after the break.

Piccolo asks Shin if he's really the Grand Kaio-sama, suspecting him of secretly being a god. Shin says no, he isn't. Then Kibit (Shin's big red manservant) tells Piccolo that he is Kaioshin-sama. Beyond the four Kaios, beyond even the Grand Kaio, there sits the Kaioshin.

In response, Piccolo makes this face.

"What the matter, Piccolo? Did he say something inappropriate to you? If he did, want me to go over there and snap at him?"
"S-Stop! Don't say a thing! Please! Don't say anything! Got it?!"

Even Kaio-sama is surprised! He's never met Kaioshin before.

Although Videl is stronger and better than Spopovitch in every way... 
... the strange, mysterious Spopovitch refuses to stay down! 
Goku can't sense any ki from him, and thinks she ought to withdraw. 

Killa and Jewel remark how strange Spopovitch looks, and how much stronger he's become. 
(Shame he lost the hair. He looked fabulous.

Suddenly, Spopovitch knocks Videl from the ring! 
But she saves herself, using Bukujutsu
(C'mon, Mr. A. This isn't the first time you've seen Bukujutsu.)

Mr. Satan, who defeated Spopovitch easily in the first round of the last Budokai, refuses to believe Videl could be losing the fight. She must be putting on a show for the crowd, he thinks.

And that's when Videl breaks Spopovitch's neck.
Fucking ouch
Except he just pops his skull off his spine and fixes it. 
Then kicks Videl in the face... 
 ... breaking her nose.

Videl escape into the air, hoping to gain an advantage... 
But Spopovitch can fucking fly.

Just what's the deal with Spopovitch? Is he truly the same man who fought and lost the tournament before?!