Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dragon Ball GT ep 53 - Pan Exterminated?! A Tearful 10x Kamehameha

"I brought water from the river."
"Thanks, dear. Even the water supply has stopped. What in the world is happening to Earth?"
"... I wonder how Pan is doing. I hope she's not putting your father out, to spoil her."
"I half expect it to be dad that's giving Pan all the trouble."
"That could be true, huh?"

Goku and Pan fought against the Seven-Star Dragon, Qi Shen Long, born of a wish to bring Majin Vegeta's victims back to life. It appeared to be a straight forward fight, which the grandfather-granddaughter duo won with cleverness rather than their own brawn. Indeed, this was becoming a trend with the Evil Dragons; Fights that were won with the mind.

Qi Shen Long used this notion to trick our heroes, and when they thought him beaten, he took possession of Pan's body and her Saiyan abilities.

Now Son Goku is faced with a difficult decision; Protect the Earth, or protect his granddaughter.

Qi Shen Long takes advantage of Goku's hesitance to attack "Pan's body" by using Pan's own Kamehameha and other ki attacks to blast apart the city the two had worked so hard to protect. Citizens flee as Goku watches the devastation. Qi Shen Long taunts him, demanding he become the "red monkey" once again and fight for real.

Goku gives in.

But despite Super Saiyan 4 Goku's onslaught, Qi Shen Long manages to keep getting back up. Grinning, he gloats that Goku could never really harm his granddaughter. Goku tries to act tough and suggest that, in this more primal form, he loses some of his sense of reason. Qi sees right through the ruse, however, and tells him to prove it by hitting him squarely with his most powerful attack - the 10x Kamehameha.

Pan begs Goku to do it. Even if it means she'll die, she'd rather die than live as a part of Qi Shen Long's flesh. She'd rather see the Earth restored, her parents and grandparents safe. She pleads with him to do it.

"... I'm sorry about this, Pan..."
"10x KAMEHAMEHA!!!!"
"... Pan!"
... but as the dust settles, it becomes clear that Goku's heart wasn't in his attack.

Qi Shen Long yet lives, with Pan still encased inside the body run on her own. He mocks Goku, saying that wasn't even a 5x Kamehameha, let alone 10x. Despite using his most powerful attack, his subconscious need to protect his grandchild kept Goku from truly unleashing his full strength.

Goku tries to attack Qi Shen Long, but the Evil Dragon bats him away, and then assaults him with a flurry of blows, ending with a massive Kamehameha. Goku collapses from the blast onto a nearby tower. Beaten and bloody, Goku makes no attempt to stand back up.

"... This is the first time in my life that my body and heart have been so beaten." He whispers.
"I hate to say it, but my heart and body are utterly worn out..."
"Grandpa, why?!"

In an effort to get Goku to stand up and keep fighting him, Qi Shen Long sends out just enough of Pan that Goku can see her again.

... and Goku, predictably, rescues her.
"I was waiting for this moment!"
(Bullshit, Goku. You didn't even know he could do that.)
With Pan rescued,
Qi Shen Long turns into his natural form.
"Because of you, I came this close to losing the thing that is most precious to me."

In a last attempt to find some kind of body to power himself up, Qi Shen Long rushes after a lone crow flying by.

... but Goku gets in his way.
"You really are something I ain't reluctant about killing. As someone who doesn't even use their own power to fight their battles, I wouldn't think the slightest bit about doing it."
"Shut up! This is how I do things!"
"You have no right to be critical of me!"
"Well, well... sure enough, I ain't at all reluctant."
"AND THIS IS FOR PAN!!! KA... ME... HA... ME..."

And with a mighty Kamehameha of rage, Son Goku ends Qi Shen Long in one, cleansing the Earth and the Dragon Ball of his foul presence, and protecting the person most precious to him...

His granddaughter, Pan.
"~Your body is mine!~"

Four down, three more to go.


  1. I don't understand Pan's role. She's in a lot of episodes and gets a lot of screentime, but she's still bratty and annoying. She goes through a lot of hardship, but never gets to go Super Saiyan. What was Toei trying to do with her? Besides the pedophilia.

  2. Goku still playing after go ssj4?
    In the end of episode
    I still prefer goku adult
    Pan can go to the super saiyan?
    I didn't know it
