Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dragon Ball GT ep 46 - Clash!! Super Saiyan 4 Goku vs Super #17

This episode begins with a close up shot of Super #17's hand, showing off his ki absorption upgrade. This is supposed to be a subtle hint, but given we've seen it on his palm in every episode since the two #17s merged, and the episode spends the first 45 seconds of the episode just on this shot, it ends up not even being subtle enough for the idiot babies this show was made for.

"Okay, I get it, Super 17 can absorb shit."

So naturally, Goku proceeds to spend the entire episode (half of which he's kid SSJ fyi) shooting Super 17 with ki. (Which isn't even Goku's fighting style but okay GT.)

Also, the x10 Kamehameha is finally given its iconic red color, so that's neat.

Now you might be thinking, Goku's doing this on purpose, right? He's pulling a Yakon on him, surely.

Well, you'd be wrong.

PS - Videl gets into her Great Saiyaman II getup during the episode as well. But don't worry, she still won't do anything fun or cool in GT.


  1. Oh c'mon this episode was awesome
    And its long
    Why did you made it short
    Is just like a-13 movie

  2. No goki ssj3?
    But piccolo give his power
    Aand now he can became and make the teletransportation
    Besides why kid goku?
    I prefer adult goku
    Super 17 can defeat omega shenron?

  3. o gt was not made for babys tinny toosnw as made for babys
