Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dragon Ball GT ep 47 - A Great Reversal! Goku and #18's Two-Stage Attack Erupts

Super #17 prepares to finish off Son Goku with his ultimate attack...
... the Dengeki Jigoku-Dama!

Which Goku just teleports away from, and latches onto Super 17's back.
SFX: Ba-Koom.

"I've heard of having a monkey on your back, but this is ridiculous."

In an effort to best Super 17, Goku clung to him and used what remained of his ki to cause a big ole boom.

It doesn't work out.

Then we get a very strange moment where 17 yells that he avoided the attack with his barrier, but Goku still messed up his clothes. Goku replies, saying 17's clothes still look very nice on him. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Anyway, that's when #18 shows up, with news for Goku.

"This guy killed Kuririn!"
"What?! He killed Kuririn?!"
"Who cares if I killed Kuririn?!"
"Wait, who's Kuririn????"
SFX: Death.

So, #18 shows up and bluffs about still having a bomb inside her (the one what Dr. Gero built inside all his cyborgs and androids, and Kuririn had Shen Long remove ages ago), and calls #17 a coward for not shooting her to death back on the highway, for fear of said bomb. #17 says he's not a coward, and blows up Dr. Myuu because he won't shut the fuck up. Goku realizes that 17 is actually holding back because he doesn't want to harm his twin sister.

Then 18 rips her shirt.

For some reason??????
"Haha, boobies."
Fuck off, baby.

#18 shoots a bunch of ki at #17, which keeps him locked in one position as he absorbs them.
Goku takes advantage of that by slamming him through the fucking chest with a Ryuken.
Then Goku flies above him and hits him with three Kamehamehas.
SFX: Gruesome death.

And that's it. Super #17 is dead, as is every single person that came back to life from Hell. Well, all except one...

"Fuck this, I'm getting out of here."

Unfortunately, the Earth is unstable with lightning storms and massive quakes ever since the portals to Hell were around.

So Trunks, Goku, Pan, and Giru travel Earth to find the Dragon Balls to put everything right, and revive Kuririn.
Only... the Dragon Balls look all the worse for wear
"Hm, we probably shouldn't use these..."
"Come out, Shen Long!"
"Sup, fuckers?"
"... Goddammit, Goku."


  1. Man that arc came to a screeching halt.

  2. is that all?
    the saga most short i never seen in my life
    but the final fight was awesome
    base goku defeat super 17
    ssj4 goku coul'd
