Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dragon Ball GT ep 48 - This is a Surprise! Shen Long Becomes the Enemy?!

"Sup, fuckers?"

Rather than summoning Shen Long with the Dragon Balls, a mysterious, vulgar dragon made of black smoke comes out and taunts our heroes for a moment about running wild. Before Goku and the gang can fully grasp what's going on, the black smoke dragon sucks up the seven Dragon Balls into his gullet, then rises into the air where he splits into the traditional seven parts.

The seven Dragon Balls once again spread throughout the universe, guarded by seven dark dragons, wreathed in evil ki. Evil Dragons, if you like. And even if you don't like, that's what they're called.

And Ol' Dirty Bastard is fucking pissed.

He told them not to use the Dragon Balls wantonly. But they didn't listen. They kept using them, over and over, to solve every single one of their problems, despite the fact that he, the highest god in the fucking universe, told them that they mess with the natural order!

In thirty years, they've managed to use them more often than they were ever supposed to be used. Kibitioshin explains to them that Dragon Balls are made up of a balance of Plus and Minus energy - positive and negative ki, if you will - and every time the Dragon Balls are used to solve a problem, that Plus energy is balanced with the addition of more Minus energy within the Dragon Ball. Within the space of around 100 years without use, the Dragon Balls will typically return back to their normal levels of balance...

... but the Earthlings haven't been so careful with their Dragon Balls, using them to solve every problematic situation for decades. Because of that, the Dragon Balls have split open into nothing but Minus energy, which has unleashed the Evil Dragons onto the planet. They are the negative cause of the Dragon Ball's positive effect. Yin and yang. The natural order of the universe.

Unfortunately, letting it get to this point means that the Earth itself is completely cut off from the rest of the Lower Realm. That's correct - no one can enter or leave Earth as long as the Minus energy persists. ODB and Kibitoshin explain how this happened on another planet with Dragon Balls long, long ago... It's gone now.

So, yeah. They done fucked up real good. And who does ODB blame?

Bulma and Dende.

Bulma for inventing the Dragon Radar, which allowed humans to re-collect the Dragon Balls over and over again with relative ease, turning Dragon Ball hunting into a strange, fucked up arms race. And Dende for stupidly making the Dragon Balls grant more wishes, with more power, than they were ever supposed to grant; There's a fucking reason the old rules were in place, and this is exactly why.

But Bulma, in her dumbfounded outrage at being fingered as one of the two culprit for causing the fucking apocalypse, turns to the person who's really a fault here. After all, without him, Bulma would have never gathered the Balls, and Dende would have never become Kami-sama.

Motherfucking Goku.

"Maybe you're right... Guess there's no way around it."
So, since it's his fault, Goku decides to make it right.
... by flying off the punch the Evil Dragons to death.

Goddammit, I love this show.

Then we're treated to a few minutes of some really rad visuals of the seven Evil Dragons being given their physical form, via the element their Minus energy latches itself onto.

Fuckin' rad.

Meanwhile, Goku realizes he can't exactly find the DBs by flying around...
... luckily, Pan is there, and she's brought Giru! But she has a condition...
"I'm not handing him over unless I can come with you. After all, Giru can't stand not being with me, huh?"
"Pan, danger. Pan not together with us, safety rises 70%"
"What was that?! I'm sure that's just a miscalculation!! Right, Giru?!"
"... I love Pan. Can't stand not being with her."
"There! Even Giru says so, Grandpa!"
"... You really like sticking your neck out like this, huh? Who do you take after?"

How is it that I'm watching Dragon Ball GT and enjoying myself this much?
"Maybe you're a dumb baby."
Fuck off, baby.

With Giru's help, Goku and Pan soon find themselves at the first Evil Dragon's location; A fishing village, which has become completely corrupted with Minus energy. And here's the Evil Dragon to blame...

Introducing Liang Shen Long, the Two-Star Dragon.
... whom Pan knocks down fairly easily.
"So you've come, have you, Son Goku? I've been waiting for you."

1 comment:

  1. bura is gone
    a-18 maroon and vegeta too
    seriusly nobody is the same without him
    and trunks it should apear in this saga.
