Sunday, March 24, 2013

Review: The Cell Saga (DBZ Episodes 140 - 194)

At last, the perfect review for this perfect saga. But is it as perfect as our titular villain claims? Or could it use a lot more work?

You can find my other reviews here:

The Cell Saga
Rating: Poor (1 out of 3)

The Artificial Humans are utterly unstoppable, leaving Piccolo and Kami no choice but to merge. Yet it is another force that truly makes Kami tremble in fear... The greatest of Dr. Gero's Artificial Humans, created from the living cells of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Freeza... Cell. And once Cell can merge with #17 and #18, he will reach his Perfect, unbeatable form.

The thing is, the Cell Saga starts off really strong. Cell is an interesting, mysterious, and truly creepy villain who sneaks his way around our heroes to gain power ups that are critical to his success. Not to mention, Piccolo takes on the role of main character for much of the first act of the Cell Saga, and he carries the show very well. Things go very well until episode 150, where the plot comes to a screeching halt when suddenly Cell is insanely stronger than Piccolo.

Say what you will about the means of Cell's power up, but my biggest problem with the last Saga was the over abundance of one-sided fights. This Saga falls right back into that same trap, with Cell always conveniently having a new way to overpower our heroes, or our heroes having a way to conveniently overpower Cell. It goes back and forth like this for a huge chunk of the story, up until the Cell Games. And all of it is bogus. Everything from Imperfect Cell, to Semi-Perfect Cell, to Perfect Cell vs Vegeta and Trunks is all terribly boring and hamfisted.

Then we get a few fun episodes between Trunks vs Cell and the Cell Games. I like these episodes. They're fun and sometimes nostalgic for Dragon Ball. Nothing bad to say.

Then, the Cell Games. Well all know the story: Goku fights Cell to prepare Gohan for his mighty clash against Cell for the safety of the whole universe. I feel like the Cell Games should be the best part of the whole Saga. Goku and Cell's fight is really cool. And Gohan's transformation and subsequent punishment of the Cell Juniors is cool, too. But that's about all that's cool. Goku and Gohan are at best their most irritating, and at worst, out of character. Gohan's "fight" with Cell is barely a fight at all. And it all falls back into the same problem that this Saga and the Artificial Humans Saga share... another one-sided fight.

Perhaps I'm missing something here. Among DBZ fans, this is one of the most beloved parts of the whole series. But I just don't get it. I don't buy Gohan as the savior. His potential to save everyone comes out of left-field, having not been mentioned since the Freeza Saga. Cell as a bad guy is most effective when he's first introduced, and there's still an air of mystery and terror surrounding him. Once he becomes Semi-Perfect Cell, he becomes whiny and throws tantrums instead of sneaking around and outsmarting our heroes. And as Perfect Cell, he's just sort of... a guy. He isn't particularly scary or complex or sinister like Freeza or Piccolo Daimao. He's just something that our heroes have to beat. He's boring. Gohan's boring. This whole Saga is, by and large, boring.

Or maybe it isn't boring. Maybe it's irritating. Just writing about this Saga is exhausting to me. Suffice it to say, I don't like it.


As I said already, the fights in this chunk of episodes suffers from much the same troubles as the Artificial Humans Saga. Almost everything is painfully one-sided, so there's hardly any tension or excitement. There's a few fights I really enjoy, so I'm going to rank them below.

4.  Piccolo vs #17
3.  Trunks vs #17 and #18
2.  #16 vs Cell
1. Goku vs Cell


The animation during these episodes begins to see a bit of a decline. Not terribly so, but some of the better animators have exited the show by this point, to be replaced with more controversial animation styles. Particularly, the animation house which is introduced in Dragon Ball Z 179. It's a style that looks quite good in fast pace scenes, but loses a lot of the charm of Toriyama's original designs. The cleaner, bolder art that captured Toriyama's style really well in the series is gone from this point on, which is a shame.


Musically this Saga is nothing special. That's to say, all the music up to this point in the series has been really good, especially the music of the last, Artificial Humans, Saga. This Saga doesn't get really any better or worse than the last Saga, but its new, original themes don't stick out in my mind as well as Sagas previous. This isn't a complaint however, because Kikuchi's DB/Z score is always quality. The biggest plus for this Saga's music is the insert song played when Gohan turns SSJ2, "Unmei no hi ~Tamashii vs tamashii~", which is actually my favorite part of this whole chunk of episodes. (True story.)


I don't get the hype behind the Cell Saga. Perhaps I just don't have the right nostalgia for it, but to me, it seems like a poorly written mess coming from an author who wasn't having fun anymore. Boring and irritating heroes, with boring and irritating villains, having predictable fights with uninteresting outcomes. For me, this is the lowest point in the whole of Dragon Ball Z, and I'm glad to be done with it.


  1. I think the reason behind the hype is just what you said: nostalgia. Android/Cell was about when DBZ really exploded in popularity in the west, and for many, myself included, it was the first part of the series they really got hooked in. It'll always stick with that group for that reason, even as years go on and they realize all of the flaws in it.

    For me, it'll always be the weakest chapter of the main Dragon Ball canon (except for possibly the Saiyan saga, but that's another topic), but even as the worst of Dragon Ball, it's still pretty damn good by most other standards.

    1. I don't think it's purely nostalgia. I've met plenty who hype it as a story arc on it's own merits.

      TBH I never watched much of this story arc as a kid yet the Artificial Human/Imperfect Cell portions of it still managed to be my 2nd favorite in all of Dragon Ball (first being the Tenshinhan Saga). I don't think Gohan's coming-of-age came entirely out of left field. If anything, the anime made it much more obvious. Within his training Gohan kept pushing himself to live up to his father (and mentor)'s ambitions, berating himself for his previous helplessness, and there was even an entire episode devoted to his babyhood (which Goku first witnesses his dormanted powers).

  2. You better give the Buu arc high-marks to make up for this.

    1. You just have to, It's the best arc in Z and the grand climax that all of Dragonball has been leading up to. Otherwise why would you have tormented yourself, sitting through the Cell arc?

    2. Frieza Saga was the grand climax. The origin of the Dragon Balls is explained there, we are told how the Saiyans ended, Goku reaches his maximum potential (well, at least it seemed like it back then) as the Super Saiyan and killed the tirant who whiped out his entire race, apparently dying in the process.

      Cell Saga and Buu Saga really don't fit very well.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like that animator. It's too... detailed and stuff, and just doesn't fit. It might be good for other anime, but not DBZ.

    Even when I wasn't paying attention to the animation, and wasn't noticing changes in the drawing and was just watching it and having fun, I still noticed that this animation was different, and I thought it looked weird and kind of out-of-place.

  4. You share the same sentiments as me. I was introduced to Dragonball through the Saiyan arc. This arc has no appeal to me. The whole arc feels so drawn out, poorly paced, and annoying characters with bad motivation to do the things they do and are quite moronic in what they do! The tension with Cell is diffused so quickly once he gets a beating by Piccolo and becomes a wuss. Don't get me started on 2nd form Cell!

    I find the problem with this portion of the story is that Toriyama didn't know who would be the big bad, and when he did, too many different story elements were used to hype up each villain one after the other over and over that by the time Perfect Cell comes around, he is not only bland compared to his previous forms but does absolutely nothing! He has no motivation anymore since he completed his goal, to become Perfect! The Cell games were boring. Way too much filler stare downs, Mr Satan, and Gohan's so called "fight" where again, just stares at Cell for 10 episodes.

    Just a poor arc. I never watch it when revisiting the series. I re-watch, heavily, from the Tenshinhan arc through to the end of Namek/Freeza. The story is just wonderful there with great fights and tense situations!

    Alas, you are correct for why this arc stumbles: "I don't get the hype behind the Cell Saga. Perhaps I just don't have the right nostalgia for it, but to me, it seems like a poorly written mess coming from an author who wasn't having fun anymore."

  5. I disagree. While the mystery of Cell wears off after his evolution, his intelligence and trickery doesn't. One of the things about Cell that causes him to stand out is his ability to recognize when he is in danger and find ways to get himself out of it. At first he notices he is too weak to fight Piccolo and the others and uses Tien's Solar Flare. He is able to sneak past 16 in order to absorb 17. Then when Vegeta had him beat, he played off Vegeta's pride in order to complete his evolution. Also he was pretty creative with how he dealt with civilians. Breaking into the TV station and elevating himself through each of the floors appearing on each TV station as it is flipped in order to taunt the heroes was pretty cool. I just wish the final fight after Cell's return could have been a fight instead of a filler episode and beam struggle. A beam struggle at the end wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't the whole episode. We just never got to see his all powerful form actually fight.

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