Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 193 - New Days... Father! I'm Hanging In There

There's one final wish remaining for Shen Long to grant. Yamcha toys with the idea of using the wish to get his new girlfriend an expensive necklace, but when no one responds to him, he laughs it off as a joke. It's Kuririn who speaks up, asking Shen Long if he can return #17 and #18 back to their original human state. Shen Long cannot, as their powers exceed his. Considering it, he then asks if Shen Long can remove the bombs from inside of them, and to this, Shen Long grants him his wish.
18 is surprised by this kindness as she watches, hidden away. Kuririn admits that her and 17 make a good couple, so he hopes they're happy.

That's when 18 reveals herself to them, again.
"You idiot! #17 is my twin brother!"

But as the frustrated 18 makes to fly off in a huff, she tells Kuririn "See you later". Yamcha - the only person with any experience with girls - says this is a good thing.

Piccolo still doesn't have a penis.

Piccolo plans to live in the Heavenly Realm with Dende and Mr. Popo. Trunks means to return to his future tomorrow. Tenshinhan leaves to find Chaozu, and return home to the mountains. After three long years of training and preparing for danger, the Z-senshi splits up and goes their separate ways.


  1. The old mistook the girls brother for her boyfriend plot.

  2. It still bothers me that no one thought of wishing 16 back...

    1. Eighter got wished back in both a movie and a later arc, and he was entirely robotic.

      I think this is just one of those slipped through moments.

    2. Remember 16's a ginger therefore has no soul. :P
