Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 186 - Cell Gets KO'ed!!! Just 2 Super Ironfisted Blows

In fiction, you need plausibility. For example, it is plausible that if a force in the universe exists like ki, that martial artists could use it to fly around and shoot lasers at each other. I buy that. The King of the World is a dog man? I buy that too. Seven magic balls that summon a wish granting dragon that were created by a race of agendered slug men? Yup, makes sense. But what doesn't make sense to me is the screencap above.

No news station worth its salt would stop covering something just because they have no new facts to report. If they did, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC would go out of business.

What they need is Sean Hannity or Ed Schultz debating with some experts on whether or not the world is doomed due to Cell. (Or maybe I just watch too much cable news...)

Cell cannot seem to hit Gohan.
Furious, Cell decides to power up to his maximum strength! 
Now he means business
And that's all it takes.
(And all that happens in 24 minutes of show.)

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