Monday, March 11, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 183 - Teeny Menaces!! Attack of the Cell Juniors

Cell is determined to see Gohan's so-called true strength. He beats Gohan down, attempting to get the young warrior to fly into a rage. But it's never Gohan's own safety that makes him explode with fury.

Goku is still certain that if Gohan becomes angry, he can beat Cell.
"Did you inform Gohan of your strategy?!"
"Fuck I knew I forgot to do something."

But before Goku can finally take a Senzu and reenter the fight against Cell, Cell zips over to Kuririn and steals the Senzus. If Gohan's own life means nothing to him, he'll hurt his friends instead, if that's what it takes to make him angry.

Just then, #16.
16 clings to Cell, saying that a bomb inside of him will explode and kill the both of them, ending Dr. Gero's evil schemes once and for all.
However, unknown to 16, Dr. Brief saw the explosive inside 16 and removed it, as it had enough explosive power to destroy Earth.
"Well fuck."

With 16 blasted to pieces, Cell counts the remaining Z-senshi. Goku, Kuririn, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Trunks, and Vegeta. Seven.

So he gives birth to seven mini-Cells.

Cutely, they're named Cell Juniors.

The powerful little Cells leap for our heroes! Can the Z-senshi stand up to these tiny menaces?!

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