Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 187 - Something Amiss With Cell!! His Perfect Form Crumbles

This is it! The final match up for the whole universe comes down to Son Gohan vs Perfect Cell.

Cell launches into a volley of kicks, all of which Gohan catches!

Furious, Cell throws two Kienzan at Gohan! 
Which Gohan catches with his ki.
Then, Cell fires a Makankosappo
... and Gohan easily deflects it.

Cue the narrator, Mr. Yanami, if you please. 
"At that moment, Cell distinctly felt fear. He then regretted having angered Son Gohan, and drawing out his full power, just for the fun of it."

Out of options, Cell flies high into the sky and begins to charge a massive, fully powered Kamehameha.

But Gohan retaliates with a Kamehameha of his own!

Gohan's Kamehameha sends Cell's right back at him, and safely away from the Earth.

Cell is utterly blown apart by taking the two blasts head-on.

"Wait, Cell is made up of my cells. He can still recover from this degree of injury."
(So why don't you go over and kill him?)
"Gohan! Finish him off right now!"
(Or you and Piccolo could go over and do it. He's lost enough ki and you've both taken Senzu.)
"Finish him already? It's too soon, father! I've got to make him suffer more!"
(yeah okay that's great kid but seriously Goku you can go finish him off now.)
"GOHAN! You're the only one who can finish Cell off! Do it quickly!"
(Actually no you could DEFINITELY finish him off with how much ki he's lost.)
"Don't push him anymore! There's no telling what he'll do!"
(why aren't over there finishing him off then????)
(Big deal he regenerated. You could still kick his ass, Goku.)
(okay goku piccolo vegeta and trunks you're seriously not gonna do anything?)
(I'm so fucking done with this show.)

Cell has gone into a blind rage, making the same mistake Trunks made against him -- Powering up his ki without any concern for his speed!

Unable to maintain his Perfect form any longer...
Cell vomits up #18!!
Is this the end of Cell?!

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