Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 176 - Just a Moment!! The Satan Squad Goes On the Rampage

As the King watches the Cell Games coverage from King Castle, he can't help but wonder if this mysterious blonde haired man is the very same boy who saved the world from Piccolo Daimao all those years ago. And furthermore, he can't help but wonder if that green guy with him is Piccolo Daimao himself! (Nobody else seems to remember so lol I guess it's fine.)


Just then, Mr. Satan's top students, Piroshiki the Mighty and Caroni the Swift, accompanied by Miss Pizza, enter the arena! They will be more than enough to take on the monstrous Cell...!!!

(Oh yeah, it's gonna be one of those episodes.

Caroni throws his customary rose to his millions of fangirls all over the world. 
A parting gift for Cell before he obliterates him! 
Then, he prepares his finishing move: The Beautiful Rose Flying Attack!!! 
... which Cell counters with his ki.

But never fear! Piroshiki has the strength of twenty elephants! 
Piroshiki launches into his own finishing move: The Megaton Bull Crusher!!! 
... and he gives up when he can't get passed Cell's ki

But the world champion, Mr. Satan, is undeterred!!! 

He realizes that Cell is just scared of him, so he has covered the Cell Games ring with tricks! Like covering himself in the scent of green peppers, which he knows Piroshiki despises! But Mr. Satan will uncover his tricks! He is unafraid!

To prove his might, Mr. Satan stacks 15 roofing tiles... 
... and shatters 14 of them in a single, mighty blow!! 
A manly proclamation to Cell...!!!
"In one more minute... this is how you will look." 
Dynamite Kick!!!
... which Cell swats away like a fly. 
"In all honesty, I was kind of rooting for Cell."

With no one left to challenge Cell from the "Satan Squad", it's up to the Z-Senshi to save the world by winning this tournament. And the first challenger is none other than Son Goku!

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