Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 170 - A Warrior's Rest... The Girl, the Lies, and Gohan's Resolution

We begin with Gohan rescuing a young girl named Lime. (She's less than grateful, accusing him of being a pervert.) Lime is from Chazke Village, one of the many villages in the region where people have fled in terror of the coming Cell-wrought apocalypse. Gohan heads into Chazke Village to purchase some spices for his mom. What he finds is a near empty town except for the local grocery, where its elder proprietor is being accosted by two thugs.

(Cowboy hats and sunglasses. Thuggery at its finest.)

The thugs work for an entrepreneur named Bourbon, who has devised a so-called Shelter Dome to protect the wealthy from Cell's onslaught. His thugs attempt to coerce the shop owner into giving away his goods to the Shelter Dome until Lime starts to shout that Cell is coming, now. The thugs leave at breakneck speed, and Lime comes in amused with her lie. The old shop keep scolds her for lying, and then explains about the Shelter Dome to Gohan.

People from the city think the Shelter Dome is safe because of a rumor that Cell never attacks the same place twice. And Cell has already been to Chazke Village.

Lime's parents were taken that day.

The old man explains that anyone who has seen the true monster that is Cell knows that where ever you run, it's all the same. So he and Lime are choosing to live out the remaining days before the Cell Game in peace.

Gohan helps them chop firewood.

Back at the Shelter Dome, locals are forced to labor for their 'safety'.

Introducing the mastermind behind the Shelter Dome:
And his personal bodyguard... Tao Pai Pai!!!

Gohan and Lime relax with some woodland creatures. Lime explains how her Gramps (the old shop keep - though whether or not he's actually her grandfather or this is merely a term of endearment, it isn't really stated) is actually a really strong fighter. He even entered the Tenka-ichi Budokai once! She laments that he doesn't go right over to Bourbon and beat him up. Just then, the construction on the Shelter Dome is complete, so Lime celebrates the only way she knows how: But screaming that Cell is coming and freaking everyone out.

Bourbon runs into the Shelter Dome and locks everyone else out, until it becomes clear that Lime is just a boy-who-cried-wolf. Furious, Bourbon sics his thugs on her.

But Gramps is there, in full fighting gi!
After taking out Bourbon's thugs, the boss calls for his bodyguard!
Tao Pai Pai!!

Gohan offers to aid Gramps, but realizing some of Gohan's true strength, the old man declines; Something terrible would happen if Gohan fought.

Knocking the old man to the ground, Tao prepares his final attack...!
The Super Dodon-pa!!!
But Son Gohan stands in his way!

Tao wonders if he hasn't met this child before. He asks Gohan his name, and he gives it. The surname Son stirs Tao's memory...

Tao Pai Pai realizes... this child is Son Goku's kid!

"Yup, I quit."

With Bourbon out of bodyguards, Gohan blows up the Shelter Dome! Shattering everyone's hopes and Bourbon's scheme, Gohan tells them that if he can blow up the Shelter Dome, surely Cell can as well.

Just then, Goku arrives to pick up Gohan to take him home with the shopping. (Chichi is getting impatient with how long Gohan is taking.) Gramps can tell they're both very strong indeed, so he tells them as they part: Please defeat Cell!

It's back home for our heroes, and eight more days before the Cell Game arrives!


  1. So good to see some good ol' fashioned Dragon Ball martial arts again.
