Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 172 - Seek Out Kami-sama!! Goku's Great Instantaneous Movement

At length, Piccolo has come out of the Room of Spirit and Time.
And Trunks poops himself over how much stronger he has become. 
 "You haven't changed at all. What were you, napping or something?"
"Just bein' a dick."

Bulma works on repairing 16, amazed at his ki detecting device, which is made out of an unknown material. 
Meanwhile on TV, the King of the World addresses his people.

The full force of the world's army is being sent to deal with Cell. (Why do they even have an army? The Dragon World is a single nation, with no concept of space travel. Who are they defending against? Rogue armies like the Red Ribbon Army? Or is the military purely ceremonial? A dog for a King makes sense, though. Dogs are kind, loyal animals who are much better suited for a fair monarchy than, say, an ape.)

Goku, Gohan, Chichi, and Kuririn go out for a family picnic. Kuririn is surprised that Goku has his driver's license, and Chichi explains how he got it with Piccolo three years ago. Though they initially failed, Chichi begged the instructors for a second chance, and stayed up all night teaching Goku the answers to the written exam.

"Goku-sa, you really are one sharp husband!" 

But trouble brews as the airforce flies over head...

As they drive to Muten Roshi's house, the Son family listen to the live reporting on the military assault on Cell. Goku pleads with them helplessly to get to safety, but of course, they rush into the utterly hopeless situation. 

"Damn it all!"

With all those lives needlessly ended by Cell, Goku leaves his family to see Piccolo about the Dragon Balls. (Oh hey is this show about those things again?)

Piccolo explains that, unfortunate though it may seem, Piccolo and Kami can never split again, so the Dragon Balls are lost. But Goku has an idea! Why not get another Namekian to come to earth and be the new Kami? Mr. Popo really likes this idea. But Piccolo goes on to say that they don't even know where the new planet Namek is, let alone how to get there. Not to fret, says Goku! He'll just track down their ki and use his Instantaneous Movement!!

"Sorry, no good."

Unable to find the Namekians out in space, Goku opts for the next best thing! Kaio-sama!

In a startling role-reversal, Goku scolds Kaio-sama for taking a nap during the dire situation on earth.

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