Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 165 - Super Trunks Has a Weakness!! Cell's Shocking Bombshell Declaration

Despite surpassing Cell in power, Super Trunks cannot keep up with the Perfect warrior.

During his training in the Room of Spirit and Time, Son Goku overcomes the Super Saiyan wall in much the same way as Vegeta and Trunks.

Ultra Super Saiyan 1 or Super Saiyan Grade II
Ultra Super Saiyan 2 or Super Saiyan Grade III

But despite the clear power up available to Goku in such forms, with his muscles so bulky it slows him down considerably and consumes too much energy. For a balance between Strength, Speed, and Power, Goku reckons the classic Super Saiyan is still the best. So for his and Gohan's training, he plans to have them both remain in their Super Saiyan state as long as possible, only to power down while sleeping, so that it becomes their natural state. No more feeling angry or consuming energy while in that form. He admits it sounds like a roundabout strategy, but he is certain it's for the best.

Cell explains to Trunks just how foolish he has been to use such a form. And further, he boasts such a form is easy to achieve.

(Pictured: Everything wrong with DBZ.)

And to prove it, Cell transforms into it.

Cell hints that even Vegeta knew such a form was possible and chose not to use it. (I call shenanigans. Vegeta doesn't like to lose, so if he had that kind of transformation up his sleeve, I don't see him not using it. But whatever, Dragon Ball Z.)

Utterly beaten, Trunks powers down and tells Cell to kill him.

Meanwhile, a newly gifted with Senzu Vegeta decides he's going to give fighting Cell another crack. But he needn't bother.

Realizing that Trunks and Vegeta gained a huge power boost in a short time, Cell is interested in seeing how much further they can take it. Rather than kill Trunks now, he wants to see if Trunks and the other fighters of Earth can truly push Cell to the limits of his Perfect body. As such, he decides to host a Tenka-ichi Budokai. (wait what) He promises more information soon, via TV or something. (Must be his Piccolo DNA that came up with that idea.)

"Wait, Cell! What's the purpose of this martial arts tournament?"
"For the lulz."

1 comment:

  1. "I call shenanigans. Vegeta doesn't like to lose, so if he had that kind of transformation up his sleeve, I don't see him not using it. But whatever, Dragon Ball Z"

    Given that Cell just said a transformation that simply boosts strength but sacrifices speed would be useless, why would Vegeta use it if he knows it would be useless? I get that you don't like this part of the series and will show the holes in the logic, but now you're looking for holes where there aren't.
