Friday, February 8, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 166 - A Final Battle Closes in on Goku!! The Mystery of the New Tenka-ichi Budokai

This episodes begins with Trunks lamenting how useless he is. (Spoiler: Very)

With news of a new Tenka-ichi Budokai being held by Cell, wherein everyone will get a turn at him, Vegeta and Trunks both commit to spending another day in the Room of Spirit and Time. Vegeta goes so far as to say neither Trunks nor Goku will be required to defeat Cell once he finishes his training. (Because if there's one thing this show has taught us, it's that Vegeta wins fights. Hahahaha, no.)

Even Artificial Human #16 decides to enter, provided Bulma can repair him.

(Of course Trunks poops his pants because blaaaah jinzoningen. But Kuririn tells him to stfu because the jinzos of this timeline are pretty cool guys.)

Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan further their training.

And Muten Roshi reminds the audience of what the Tenka-ichi Budokai actually is.

(You remember, when this show was good.)

Oolong takes this time to take a cheap shot at Yamcha. (Let's call him Team Pork Star.)

But Chichi is adamant that Gohan not enter! And she reminds everyone that when Gohan was born, Goku agreed he wouldn't become a fighter. (I think we're well past that point, sweetie.)

Elsewhere, Cell builds a tournament ring.
(He sure has a flair for design.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you didn't comment on Vegeta's bad-mouthing of the Tenkaichi Budokais. That seems like something you would do.

    Oh and I don't think that's exactly what Chi-Chi was trying to get across.
