Monday, February 11, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 168 - Goku and Gohan... The Hero Father and Son's Ultimate Level-Up

All across the world, humanity is running for the hills, frightened by Cell's chilling announcement of the Cell Games.

Oolong suggests they use the spaceship at Capsule Corp. to hide in space.
"You lousy traitor."

As the world panics around him, Kuririn blames himself for Cell's transformation. If only he hadn't spared #18, he laments.
"Kuririn... don't blame yourself."
"... you did it all for the nookie."

Atop the Heavenly Realm, Vegeta makes plans for going another round in the Room of Spirit and Time. Piccolo claims he called dibs for the timeslot after Goku and Gohan get out, so Vegeta (like a giant dickbag) calls dibs on the rest of the days between then and the Cell Game. Of course, Piccolo points out that if you spend more than 48 hours of your lifespan in the room, you'll be trapped in it forever. So Vegeta makes due with the 23 hours left to him.

Just then, Goku and Gohan exit the Room of Spirit and Time three hours ahead of schedule.

And as Trunks explains the situation, they get their eat on.

Piccolo scolds Goku for talking with his mouth full.

Meanwhile, Bulma and Dr. Brief look over 16's data. 
It becomes clear that he was created for the sole purpose of killing Goku. 
Yet Dr. Brief recalls his behavior with Tama, and can't help but trust him.

Back at the Heavenly Realm, our heroes suit up. Vegeta is surprised to see how natural the father/son duo are in their Super Saiyan state - as if it's their base form. Trunks assures them that Bulma can get them their own replacement set of Saiyan gear if they ask, but Goku declines: He wants to fight as an earthling.

Then, in order to see how strong Cell has become, Goku uses his Instantaneous Movement to teleport to the Cell Games ring.

The two gunslingers stare each other down. Goku promises to be there for a matches, and tells Cell not to kill anyone between then and now. Cell, of course, says nothing.

Returning the Heavenly Realm, Goku comes with startling news: He doesn't think he can beat Cell, and he won't be training in the Room of Spirit and Time again.


  1. Even if Goku is annoying from here on out: at least he's not Vegeta.

    That cute little pink dress is one of my favorite Bulma outfits. Shame it's short-lived.

    Also, TAMA AND JUUROKUGOU FEELS, ugh. da qt~

    1. Goku lost me after he quit fighting Cell. I enjoyed him before then. I have nothing against him dying though. At least he tried to right his wrong and apologized to Gohan (and his wife indirectly). But that's the Cell Saga for you. XD

    2. How dare he not jeopardize the fate of the world in midset of a good fight. That's really inconsiderate. *nods*

    3. Huh?

      Goku *did* jeopardize the earth by forcing his son to step up and fight, because even if Gohan-chan had the potential, it took so much (and something essentially "random" with 16's death, since Goku couldn't have predicted that, having never met him) to bring it out.

      But he also jeopardized earth by letting Vegeta go for the sake of a good fight in the future, so whatever. It's not exactly new, and it's one of the things I LIKE about him.

      But yeah, I'm not annoyed by his death, but just annoyed that he steps back. I'm not one of the mythical "I hate Goku but also watch Dragon Ball" fans--I wanted to see him FIGHT-O, like always!

    4. I think the problem is that a LOT of fans take Goku's mistakes in the Cell Saga and make him out to be a really bad person when he's so far from it. XD It's laughably ridiculous.

      (I love when you post! I always enjoy reading them Lindsay!)

    5. If Goku continued fighting it would be true to his character in that regards but it would be flanderizing him as an obnoxious battle-addict because why choose to die on the battlefield when Cell made it abundantly clear that he'll blow up the whole planet once he's proven his might and disregard the only person who can beat him? I can see Vegeta making such a boneheaded move but not Goku. As naively passionate Goku is about martial arts, he is also benevolent and optimistic which is a nice juxtaposition that cooks for a really enduring (and surprisingly complex if you look even further) character to the audience...well the Japanese audience, at least. The wonder-boy Son Goku. As for the Vegeta ordeal, like when he let Gohan fight Cell instead, he didn't think that through (he's a man-child). He later on regretted it when Kaio-sama told him that he underestimated the haughty Saiyan's might.

      BTW most people who genuinely badmouth him are either Vegeta fans (although I am a fan of the character) or extremists, anyways. Most of his "worst" moments aren't even from this arc.
