Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 171 - Hidden Power!! When Gohan Was a Baby

At the Son House in Mt. Paozu, Goku, Kuririn, and Gohan relive days of yore. (Specifically, when Yajirobe chickened out in front of Vegeta.) Goku and Gohan laugh so hard at Kuririn's Yajirobe impression (the meta joke being that Kuririn and Yajirobe are both played by the lovely and wonderful and perfect Mayumi Tanaka), that they break the silverware and furniture.

This make Chichi pretty mad.

Frustrated, Chichi sends Goku and Kuririn out to fetch some food for Gohan's birthday party. Gohan reminds her that it's, uh, not his birthday. But as he turned 11 years old while in the Room of Spirit and Time, Chichi feels the need to celebrate the milestone. Gohan asks if he can go with his dad to pick up the food, but Chichi tells him he needs to study. Goku agrees with her.

Chichi is quite certain he's ill.

Pictured: More joy than you'll ever experience.

After catching a fish, Kuririn and Goku relax by the river. Kuririn asks why Goku was so willing to give Chichi her way, and Goku admits that, given how uncertain everyone's future is, he wants to give Chichi as much remaining peaceful time with Gohan as he can manage. (This is a rare moment of serious Goku.)

Back at the Son House, Chichi finds their old photo album.
With pictures from their wedding!
And of course, of baby Gohan.

She thinks back to the day they gave baby Gohan his name...

Chichi wanted to name him Einstein, or Archimedes
But baby Gohan didn't like those names.

Gyumao came up with a whole list of names that were all puns on his own name. Baby Gohan didn't like these either. Stuck for a name, daughter and father look to Goku for the answer...!

"I... I'm hungry."

Chichi furiously shouts at Goku that they just had breakfast (asagohan), and that he'll have to wait for lunch (hirugohan)! Surprisingly, the baby Gohan giggles happily at those words! Goku looks at his grandpa's 4-star-ball on his dresser, and knows what to do: Name his son after his grandfather, Son Gohan.

After losing herself in fond memories of his boyhood, Chichi tells Gohan he can stop studying and go help his dad pick up food.

Meanwhile, this guy tries to interview Cell.
It works out as well as you'd expect.
(Not well.)

Gohan helps his dad and Kuririn catch falling apples from a tree. And this isn't the first time Gohan encountered this tree!

When Gohan was a little baby,
his parents took him out for a stroll!
But as they distracted themselves with flowers, Gohan's cart went out of control toward a tree!
It was then that Gohan's hidden potential came through for the first time!!!

Goku reflects on how far he and his child have come.

That night, everyone gathers for Gohan to blow out the candles!
... and he ends up blowing the cake apart.
And for some reason, Captain Ginyu is there.
There's always next year!

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