Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 156 - The Savior of the World is You! Everyone's Genki Dama is Completed!!

Episode sources

Kid Boo has finally defeated Good Boo.
And because of Mr. Satan's interference, his Boo lives...
... but the evil Majin Boo is alerted to Son Goku's Genki Dama.
So Vegeta leaps back into the fray, to defend Goku as the Earthlings refuse to aid them.
It works out as well as you'd expect.
Frustrated, Goku shouts for humanity to aid them.
And this causes the Dragon Ball characters to finally contribute their energy!
And #17 for, uh, some reason.
But even it isn't enough, as most of the planet still finds Goku untrustworthy...
... causing Mr. Satan to lose his shit and reveal himself to the planet...
... and the Earthlings to finally give over their strength to their saviors!
With the Genki Dama complete
and once last saving throw from Mr. Boo
Mr. Satan is able to rescue Vegeta
leaving the way open for Son Goku to finally, at last,
throw the Super Genki Dama at Majin Boo!!
The end is finally here!

What's cut?

1 comment:

  1. And here too! Tien and Chiaotzu, Upa and Bora, Android 8 and the others, pleasee
