Friday, December 9, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 149 - Emergency Escape From Inside Boo's Body! Boo's Reverse-Transformation Is The Worst!!

Episode sources

Goku and Vegeta are utterly overwhelmed by Majin Boo.
Of course, fighting a transforming monster inside his own brain probably wasn't the best idea.
(It's too late now.)
He beats them to the point where he begins trying to absorb our heroes--
--but Vegeta finds his weak point, right before Boo can take Goku!
Realizing that without the other Boo, Boo will likely lose a significant chunk of his power
Vegeta yanks him right out.
And Boo makes the kind of face only someone receiving brain surgery from Vegeta could make.
Goku and Vegeta race out of Boo's collapsing/transforming body
by racing out of the steam vents in Majin Boo's head.
They, their sons, and Piccolo all make it out unharmed.
While Boo turns momentarily swole as fuck.
...Before becoming a small, child-like form.
Yet if this Boo is supposed to be the weakest... Why is Kaioshin more nervous than ever?

What's cut?
(Most of this episode is DBZ 276, but with a minute or so of the other episodes to bookend it.)

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