Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 147 - The Ace Up Boo's Sleeve! The Warriors Are Absorbed!!

Episode sources

Majin Boo is getting his ass beat.
No matter what he does, he can't keep up with the incredible Super Vegetto.
And it's making him very, very angry.

So Majin Boo does what a Majin Boo will do
and turns him into candy.
(Coffee flavored too. Yum.)

Only Vegetto retains control over his body and mind, even as a piece of candy.
And gives Boo an even worse beat down than before.
So he returns Vegetto to normal, preferring getting punched by fists than sugar.
... until said fists fuck him up but good.
Finally, Vegetto gives Boo ten seconds to 'say his prayers'.
And it takes him seven to realize Vegetto has been knocking off bits of him this whole time.
And he can use those to absorb him!
It turns out, this was Vegetto's scheme the whole time. Boo is just dumb.
"I can only do so much."
So Majin Boo makes to absorb Vegetto--
--but what will happen once Vegetto enters Boo's body?
(Given that this is Kai and not Z, I'm betting it won't be as fun.)

What's cut?
In DBZ 271, King Yemma shows everyone the fight on his sweet flatscreen TV.
Dabra continues to shoujo it up in Heaven.
And Dende, Mr. Satan, and Bay are there, watching the fight.
In DBZ 272, Kaio-sama, Kuririn, and Yamcha watch Candy Vegetto kick ass.
As do Yemma and Uranari Baba.
We get a flashback to when Yemma brought in Vegeta, to return his body to him.
Then Vegeta has a flashback within the flashback, like it's fucking Naruto over here.
And Team Conveniently Still Living keep on watching the fight.

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