Sunday, June 5, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 86 - A New Kami-sama! The Dragon Balls Return At Last

Episode sources


Goku arrives on Kaio-sama's planet, only to find Kaio-sama slacking off. More irritating to Goku still, Kaio hasn't been paying attention to Earth and has no idea about the universe-ending power that is Cell. The irony of this role reversal is lost on them.

In order to find a new Kami for Earth, and revive the Dragon Balls, Goku needs to find the new Planet Namek. Kaio-sama points him in the right direction.

Then zips around him, noticing that Goku learned Yardratian Instantaneous Movement.

(This sequence sort of implies that Kaio-sama knows the technique. Though for that to be true, Kaio-sama should have really brought that up back in the Saiyan Saga, and way later in the Boo Saga. So we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's Zanzoken-ing around Goku, to 'emulate' the look of the technique.)

Soon, Goku zips his way to Planet Namek, where he meets the Namekians for the first time. Elder Muuri (the new Saichoro) is very pleased to meet, and assist, the man who saved them from Freeza. (Though Goku shrugs off the praise, saying he let the planet blow up, anyway.)

As for Earth's new Kami, Muuri has just the Namek for the job.
Gohan and Kuririn's pal, Dende!
(Goku had no idea Piccolos came in that size.)

Dende says goodbye for now to his family as Goku takes him to his knew home: Earth's Heavenly Realm. Mr. Popo is happy to meet his new boss, and Piccolo is surprised and delighted that Goku picked Dende, of all people! 

Meanwhile, at Kame House...

"Ooooh yeaaauuuh, brother, when Mr. Satan gets a hold of that Cell..."
"... and shows him the blasting powder of my DYNAMITE KICK..."
"He's gonna learn EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS when you mess with Mr. Satan..."
"... 'Cus whatchu gonna do when my Satanists run all over you?!"
"Great. The only other guy who wants to fight Cell is the only person on Earth who doesn't know that wrestling is fake."

Suddenly, Goku teleports into the room, to take Gohan and Kuririn to see Dende.
And Chichi's reaction is to grab him and lift him off the ground for leaving them in the city.
(This is pure sexual compatibility, right there.)

Shortly there after, Goku and the boys head back to Kami's Temple for a cute bro-union.

And Popo brings Dende Shen Long's statue so that he might restore the Dragon Balls.

With the Dragon Balls returned (and powered up with an extra wish, thanks to Dende), it's only a matter of Goku borrowing Bulma Dragon Radar (Turbo's missing Dragon Radar is the largest unsolved mystery in all of Dragon Ball) and hunting them down, for use after the Cell Games concludes.

With that, Goku takes his leave of Gohan and the others. With only a few more days left, the world prepares itself for the coming of the tumultuous Cell Games.

But for some, the waiting is a little harder than others.
"... Fifty-nine bottles of beer on the wall, fifty-nine bottles of beer..."

At length, the day is finally here. May 26th of Age 767, shortly before 12 o'clock, Son Goku leaves his wife to meet up with their son and friends, and head to the final encounter with the monster Cell.

"You be careful, Goku-sa. Don't go dyin'."
"Yeah, I know."
"Gohan-chan isn't fightin', right?"
"Promise me you won't let Gohan-chan fight!"
"Well, I'm off!"

With all of Earth's mightiest warriors on their way...
... Cell waits now to finally test out the full strength of his Perfect form.

What's cut?
In DBZ 173, Goku struggles to find a Dragon Ball in a desert.
We watch as Vegeta meditates within the Room of Spirit and Time.
Then in DBZ 174, Gohan and Dende are study buddies.
Mr. Satan moves four buses.
And rips phone books apart.
Also, Tao Pai Pai returns.
This time reuniting with Son Goku himself.
Rather than fight him for his Dragon Balls, he gives him a puzzle to solve.
Which Goku, not knowing he's been tricked, spends all night solving.
He's very proud of himself.


  1. So uhhhh, you gonna give a link to that colorized Dragon Ball H? Asking for a friend...
