Friday, June 10, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 90 - Mortal Combat Concluded! Goku's Moment of Decision

Episode sources

Just when it seemed as if Son Goku would push Cell to the brink, Cell unleashed his Artificial Human Barrier. Nevertheless, Cell is impressed Goku could push him so hard and, with a distinctly Saiyan-ish glint in his eyes, asks Goku to take the opportunity to eat a Senzu so their fight can continue, unabated by Goku's rapidly falling ki.

"What luck! Toss Goku a Senzu and then we can team up and kill Cell, together!"
"... Have you never watched this show before, Trunks?"

But rather than take Cell's bate, Goku decides to go another route.

"I quit."

Goku, who never quit no matter how much his back was against the wall, quit. And more startling still to the spectators and Cell, Goku says the next person who fights will win the tournament and beat him.

"Now I'm completely sure he can beat you. That's why I'm surrendering, to leave it all up to him."
"Which means he's stronger than you, and even I?"
'Please don't say Mr. Satan... please don't say Mr. Satan...'
"You're up, Gohan!"
'Thank fuck.'

"Son, you can't be serious! He's just a kid!"
"You're right, Piccolo. I shouldn't let him fight Cell with all of us here ready to lend support if things get too crazy. I should dump him in a dinosaur-riddled wilderness for six months, like a good parent."

Despite training for this very eventuality, Gohan is still nervous to be fighting someone his dad couldn't beat.

But Goku asks if how he felt watching the fight. Which Gohan responds, it felt as if they were holding back. Goku says he absolutely wasn't... that's just how far the gap between them has widened.

With Gohan decided, Goku asks Kuririn for a Senzu.
"Oi, Cell."
"Eat up, bitch."
"Holy shit, you're stupid."
"Come again?"

What's cut?
In DBZ 180,
and 181, Satan Crew shenanigans are slashed to bits.
Also in 181, these friends of Chichi's are worried about Gohan's hair.

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