Friday, July 15, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 124 - Find the Troublemakers -- Babidi's Revenge Plan Begins!

Episode sources


Son Goku, Piccolo, and everyone else watches helplessly as Madoshi Babidi displays Majin Boo's power to the whole world. He can turn whole populations into candy, then entire cities into smoldering ruin, and in a matter of moments. Babidi promises to spend the next five days taking Boo from city to city, whittling down Earth's population, unless...

... someone gives up the three meddlers who escaped him and left him for dead.
Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten.

It become more clear than ever that the only hope for the whole world is in the kiddos learning Fusion.

But they need to stop napping, first.

Mr. Popo goes to collect the kiddos, but they prove more of a handful than Goku was as a kid.
(Mostly 'cus of the whole Legendary Super Saiyan thing.)

Still, Goku comes to help Popo collect them, and tell them about the fate of Vegeta and Gohan. Goten and Trunks are inconsolable over the news, becoming unable to focus on the important training Goku is trying to impress upon them.

In a startling turn, Goku becomes the harsh teacher,
and Piccolo becomes the nurturing mother.

(So much for merging with Kami to have no effect on his personality.)

Meanwhile, at the Kaioshin Realm...
Gohan awakens, still alive, and in the strange holy planet of the Lords of the Cosmos.
He's completely overtaken by the beauty of this place.
While Kaioshin is overtaken by the beauty of that booty.

Kibito clads Gohan in the holy garbs of the Kaioshin, as the Kaioshin himself leads them to the place where the sacred Z-Sword rests. If Gohan can manage to wrest the sword from the stone, it is said he shall be given untold power.

... Perhaps, even, enough power to defeat Majin Boo!!

What's cut?
Except Gohan. ;D

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