Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 108 - The Trap Laid by Madoshi Babidi and the King of the Demon Realm, Dabra

Episode sources

Spopovitch and Yamu return to their master Babidi with a container full of pure energy.
Babidi thanks them the way boss villains do, in Dragon Ball. murdering them.
(Minions really need to form a union.)

But the most frightening part of Madoshi Babidi isn't his own dark magic. According to Kaioshin and Kibito, it's his ability to enter the hearts of wicked men, and sway them into his command. One of these thralls in particular causes Kaioshin to lose hope in their mission.

The Lord of the Demon Realm, Dabra.

Parallel to this realm there is another, of pure darkness. And in that realm, Dabra is the strongest and most wicked. That Babidi has him under his spell means that our heroes won't have an easy time of it.

Unknown to our heroes, Babidi and Dabra already know they're nearby, so Babidi tells Dabra to take out the weaker ones and the others and Kaioshin to follow him into the spaceship, where they'll collect their energy for Majin Boo.

A simple enough task, for the King of Demons.
(Well. One of them.)

"Huh, that's weird. They all went inside except for Dabra."
"... Hm. I'm sure it means nothing."

In a flash, Dabra blows Kibito to smithereens, then uses his spit to turn Kuririn and Piccolo into solid stone! The only way to save Kuririn and Piccolo is to kill Dabra, and knowing as much, Dabra flies back to Babidi's spaceship.

"If you want revenge, you better follow me, into this not-a-trap~"
"... Okay, that's definitely a trap, we better stay put."
"what the fuck"

Once inside, Kaioshin scolds them for their recklessness.
Inside the ship, they have to fight Babidi's thralls one-by-one...
... and any damage they take will fuel Majin Boo's rebirth!
"So you better start taking this seriously, you guys!"
Not taking Kaioshin's advice, they play Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who fights first.
Vegeta wins.
("At last, I have defeated Kakarotto... at rock, paper, scissors!")
"what the fuck"

What's cut?
DBZ 220, Kuririn reminds everyone of Piccolo's villainous beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. chigau
    that cut scene appear in two episodes later
