Monday, April 29, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 199 - Don't Let Victory Get Away!! Finish With an Ultra-Fast Kamehameha

The Anoyo-ichi Budokai crowd and Paikuhan are shocked by the sudden appearance of Super Saiyan Goku. With Paikuhan's weighted gear tossed aside, and Goku's ki powered up, the two finalists have taken the proverbial gloves off for a spectacular final round.

Kaio-sama likes Goku's chances.

Goku begins with a Kamehameha
But Paikuhan dodges quickly! 
Goku blasts ki blast after ki blast, but Paikuhan is too quick for our hero! 
... and Paikuhan taunts Goku, knowing he has the superior speed.
Then he powers up one of his own special techniques: 
"Hyper Tornado!!!" 
(I missed you, Kaioken ;___;

Goku and Paikuhan crash ki against ki in the air, and Paikuhan manages to knock Goku onto the ring floor. But both contestants are beginning to show fatigue as the battle heats up.

The crowd can't believe what they're witnessing. 
And Grand Kaio chuckles to himself, delightedly. 

But Paikuhan isn't out of special techniques yet... 
"Thunder Flash!!!"
Paikuhan's Thunder Flash envelops Goku utterly!

And even the spectators.

As Goku struggles to his feet from the Thunder Flash... 
... Paikuhan prepares for another! 
Goku manages to block the brunt of it this time. 
So Paikuhan takes the air with another ki blast. 
Which Son Goku dodges! 
Both fire ki at one another... 
Which sends them both flying! 
Both fighters tap the roof of the room... 
... and launch back at one another, furiously! 
For the final attack, Paikuhan prepares yet another Thunder Flash! 
... but this time, Goku sees its weakness! 
And using an Instantaneous Movement...
... Goku gets behind Paikuhan...
... and readies his final, ultra-fast ... 
... Kamehameha!!!! 
And Paikuhan is knocked out of bounds!!! Son Goku wins!

Goku explains to Paikuhan that he shouldn't have used the Thunder Flash three times, as he was able to see through it. Paikuhan chuckles and congratulates Goku by telling him to train hard with Grand Kaio - the grand prize for winning the Anoyo-ichi Budokai.

But Grand Kaio has other things to say!!! Since both Paikuhan and Goku touched the ceiling, they're disqualified! Goku takes the news pretty well, saying that if he did break the rules, losing is fine. However, since they fought with such ferocity, given another two or three-hundred years, he'll gladly take another look at them for training.

Goku celebrates his almost victory.

Privately, Grand Kaio thinks he'll need to work extra hard to keep up with Son Goku...

And so that's how Goku lived out his days... Training excitedly in the Next World with Paikuhan, Olivue, and the rest of them. Seven years of peace have gone by since then, and life on Earth has never been so easy.

We join the Son Family at Mt. Paozu... seven years later.

Chichi says farewell to her son Gohan as he leaves on Kinto Un
and Gohan heads toward his next adventure... High school!

1 comment:

  1. One thing I've always wondered.

    Why is it called Thunder Flash when it's clearly a fire-based attack?
